Ah this is an amazing feeling..
I dont know the last time I actually wasted time on my laptop -.-
no photo edit, no internet
and it pisses me off.. I get inactive almost everywhere -.- rpr on the laptop, it feels so good otl.
but no since my parents got the brilliant idea to make themselves a fb acc, they have the laptop All. The. Time.
oh come on, hello, i even bought it with money i earned in my summer job ol
just sometimes id like to use it.. i dont mind giving it to my parents ofc, theyve given anything to me after all and stuff
but i can not even play sims! My family has no proper house! OTL
And being on the phone all the time .. staring at that tiny screen (compared to a laptop screen haha)
my eyes hurt, it gets annoying
but on the other hand i dont wanna go to them and be like give me my laptop
i feel bad whenever i 'take it away' of them. But they really are all the time when theyre at home e_e worse than me lol
ah idk
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