
Tags ideas 

A few questions because we need more creative rp's here. u n u


1) When you search for rp's to join, what's the first thing you look for?

2) Personally, what do you think attracts an rpers attention to a roleplay?


3) What types of themes do you think last the longest in roleplay republic?

4) What do you think causes an rp to become more active?


5) AURP's vs NONAURP's


6) Do you think having twins in an rp is necessary? 


7) Do you like rp's that have labels for different groups of people? ex. A crown for a master, a heart for a slave. 


8) Whats your favorite type of roleplay?


{ you can comment the answers. o u o }


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-vendetta 10 years ago
1 • Writing style, genre, unique themes/ ideas, etc.
2 • Less reading, something quick and easy, aesthetics.
3 • Something related to romance, spontaneity, and the social aspect of roleplaying.
4 • The interest of the roleplayers and whether or not they are busy.
5 • I have a preference for AU rps, but if I come across a Non AU rp that interests me I might join it.
6 • No, but it is interesting.
7 • I don't care much. As long as I can read my own character's name, I'm fine.
8 • I don't really have one. It just has to appeal to me.
undefeated 10 years ago
1) styles of rp, people, genre(?)
2) um, the layout and genre.
3) sadly, fluff. hm, also crack? 3rd pov rp's last long sometimes.
4) the people. lmao.
5) not sure, i like them both.
6) nope.
7) not really, lol but, they're fine.
8) any is fine with me, just as long its interesting.
454412ed62d397c53b2a 10 years ago
1. Who's available and, to be honest, the couple list so I know who's taken and if there are a lot of couples. If there are a lot I know not to join because that means it's a big rp and I'll never be accepted and just go inactive

2. Personally, I think the type of rp attracts them, along with who's in a couple; the two things mix

3. I think supernatural rps last the longest, and school rps, too

4. What makes it more active? The people in it and the theme. If it's an AU rp and it's 3rd pov for example, you could have people that post in rooms and keep it active, but you could also have people who don't, which would bring the rp down. And their activeness in rooms would depend on their inspiration in the theme or plot they have. (Make sense? ^^")

5. AU rps are better in my opinion; it gives you more of an open character (you can make up a background, add in angst, have different themes, etc.) but I think NonAu are more active/common since they're easier. Especially for couples. I've seen (and been a part of) an rp where it was basically like "Hey, we're from the same group, I've liked you since trainee days, we should go out" and two posts later it's like "I love you soooo much~~"

6. I mean, it gives you the ability to have more rpers, but it isn't mandatory, especially since people aren't okay with even the ability to have selfcest (ie. Yixing x Lay)

7. Yes, as long as:
-There aren't too many symbols, since too many is really confusing
-They clearly tell you what each means (which ties into the first: if they don't tell you it makes no sense when there's too many)
-And since some people never tell you what they are until you talk to them)

8. I love asylum!au rps, along with supernatural!au rps (both in 3rd pov, with angst) when I'm inspired, but other than that I just "like" nonau, somewhat derpy rps since it's easy to make friends and it's just a way to pass time
Jigoku 10 years ago
/stalking you after like an hour of friending/

1) activity(or lack thereof) and the people that rp there and their styles of rping
2) idk -_-
3) not stereotypical ones, ones that allow for a lot of plot discussion and stuff
4) a lot of people that have a lot of time — and who are willing to spend their time on the rp
5) nonau
6) nope
7) don't really care
8) none specifically? just ones where i can actually RP with people and not ones where i just sit there and gradually become inactive b/c of the lack of good rpers

psych0path247 10 years ago
ooooohhh~~~~ /answers them in a paper/
undefeated 10 years ago
do we repost?
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