Something for school. Nothing to see.



Science and Inventors.

  • 300 - 700: Mayan priests were interested in the concept of time, developing accurate calendars to calculate how long the sun’s year is.
  • 400 - 500: Indians mathematicians invent symbols for zero, decimal numbers and Arabic numbers.
  • 605 - 610: Millions of Chinese work on the Imperial Canal.
  • 813 - 833: Baghdad’s House of Wisdom. Mamum the Great sets up a wonderful centre of leaning to bring knowledge of the Ancient world to Arabia.
  • 865 - 925: Rhazes, chief doctor of the Baghdad Hospital, studies disease.
  • 900: China sees a great age of iron and steel.
  • 932: Chinese mass produce books. They use wood blocks for printing.
  • 980 - 1037: Famous Persian doctor, Avicenna, writes a Canon of medicine which is followed for centuries.
  • 1000s: Chinese work on improving gunpowder so that it can be used to firecrackers and weapons. The chemical mixture used by the Chinese burns rather than explodes.
  • 1030: A medical school is built in Salerno, Italy. European doctors know very little but learn new scientific treatments from Arabian and Jewish doctors who are much more skilled.
  • 1050s: European workers, such as blacksmiths, weavers and silversmith, begin to form guilds which protect the workers. The guilds organise training and exams to insure proper learning of skills, and arrange fair pay.
  • 1154: An Arabian scholar working in Sicily, Al Idrisi, produces his Description of the World. Map makers believe the world is flat.
  • 1174: Italians start to build the Tower of Pisa, which begins to lean soon afterwards.
  • c.1200: Arabic numbers instead of Roman numerals, appear in Europe.
  • c.1250: Italian traders found banks to look after crusaders’ money, and start an early system of bank cheques. They also loan money.
  • 1305: Kind Edward 1 causes standard measurements, including the foot, yard and acre to be used in England.
  • 1348: An Italian, Giovanni de Dondi, makes a clock with secen faces which show the movements of the sun, moon and five known planets.

    P.S. Dayana, send us your one. Cause we need it... now. Just do it on a blog post so we can just copy and paste it.


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dayniel 10 years ago
I'll send it when I get home.. it might take a while, sorry T_T
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