my first actual blog orz ._______.

Tags thirdpov 

orz I've been using my blog
for coding purposes ever since lol
so I guess this is my first actual blog ._____.
because I use my twitter to spazz
tho I dont tweet anmyr and meuthia will kill me when I get back

I'll just get to the main point, I saw that most of my friends here are looking
for 1st/ 3rd detailed pov roleplay.

I'm just going to recommend a great roleplay.
Visit Voyage! o u o
click hereu 

I seriously like the plot and I'm looking for more people
to roleplay with. Kai wants a

That's all byeee.


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cloudystars 10 years ago
if i join this.
do you mind to be yura's little brother or maybe twin's siblings?
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