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Sometimes, I wonder, why must this happen? Most especially in Anon Confessions

It's only roleplaying yet people tend to escalate things in OOC and bring the worst out from a certain rp. Surely, some admins are weak and not strong enough to handle a drama. But being in anon, I'm certain, it doesn't give you the right nor privilege to start a drama in OOC as an anon. I mean, it was opened for IC purposes, right? Simple logic yet sometimes - or rather most of the times, neglected. If you have something against a person, why not scrub it on that person's face personally - the user's wall or PM, and not bring any damage towards an rp.

If you think that it will make the rp go petty, that person is clearly mistaken. What makes petty worth meaningful is the self - you, the roleplayer. 

And if taking the anon confessions down would make the rp better, I think it just so makes the anon even more upbringing onto himself/herself crept onto his mind and would kill the rp right afterwards.

So what do I suggest if this kind of drama happens? /make me an admin and I'll shove their words back into their mouths; slapped; kidding coughs/ 

Following are the options:

a. If you think you can't handle it, don't hear them out. Ignore them. But you should be as strong as the anon's guts. Never bow before an anonymous. So then, if you think you can, which I encourage to do so, hear them out, it will please the members about knowing what's actually hapening inside an rp. A conversation between the admins and the members are a must do for an rp to become active.

b. Think OPEN-MINDEDLY and don't rash things out in replying. Since you're an admin, be sure to be considerate enought to know the root cause of this. Don't simply say things out without an investigation. Know the focal point of why an anon had done so - as such, an anon also should open his/her mind as well (but I highly doubt this). ALTHOUGH, INSULTING THE ANONS WOULD BE FUN. IT WILL DEGRADE THEIR SANITIES AND TONE THEIR AGGRESSIVENESS DOWN AT A MINIMAL POINT.

c. NEVER, I mean NEVER, give them what they want (but lend them your ear, mind, time, and understanding) They're anons, meaning, they can be trolling to make the rp active or just that insecure and coward enough not to show their faces. Open your ears for them as such the anon confessions must be so, for the anons, most of the times, are open through such, therefore, keep them opened. Mind, in the sense that you won't go on sides, be the intermediate as is, never give our your opinion as you are - except when the anon is generalizing EVERYONE and not just the person. Time, let them heal for a moment, a day, a week, or them leaving instead for sometimes, they do things without thinking FOR A PERIOD OF TIME. Understanding, anons are mostly attention seekers; they can't get what they have, so in turn, try understanding them; but I'm not saying that everything must be given to them as I mentioned, NEVER GIVE SOMETHING TO AN ANON, /LEND/. Moreover, Don't let those anons rain on their parades. IT WILL KILL THE RP. LET THE ANON DIE AND NOT THE RP ITSELF. O U O B (Although sarcastic presents - i.e. giving them what they want, would be good, it's still discouraged. It will make the anon simply a winner.) But then, you should hear them out. That's why I encourage a replying onto the anon confessions.

d. If you think the rp will die because of dramatic confessions set forth by the anon, you're mistaken yet another time. Why? Because it makes the rp stronger. If you can handle things out in a situation where things seemed to be falling down, STAND UP, never give something up. KEEP MOVING FORWARD. LET THE ANON DIE AND NOT THE RP. UuU / Because thinking BEYOND everything, the rp has more members vis-a-vis that single creature. I mean, what could an ant do to a giant, right? It can sting and hurt, but if your outlook is more positive enough, you have the ADVANTAGE. MAKE USE OF IT. EXPLOIT IT. 

e. Don't invoke anyone's right to remain silent. The anon confession is opened for the members' FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Putting it down is also like putting the rp itself down. What makes the existence derogatory is the anon's attitude and behavior, most especially if it's already jolted down to OOC issues. If the anon insults you for your members backing you up, let him/her think as such. For in reality, though not obvious, the members are not backing you up but rather standing for themselves. THE MEMBERS HAVE THE RIGHT TO COMMENT AND OBJECT ON WHICH THEY DEEMED WORTH THE SHARE. Why? BECAUSE ANONS, AGAIN, MOST OF THE TIMES, ARE VERY SELFISH. THEY THINK THEY'RE THE ONLY ONES THAT HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE HEARD AND TO OBJECT when it should be the other way around.

f. If people say it's low to backfire an anon, don't mind those. Backfiring is different from /hearing/ someone out or entertaining your members out. The intention, though, are similar in the sense that it degrades your name/username, but not the rp, for entertaining those kind of s. = u = b

All in all, NEVER deprive your people, i.e. the characters of your rp and not the users, to talk freely in an rp. But the exception is evident though considerably inherent, as it shouldn't be taken in an OOC issue.

In anon confessions, neither the admins nor the anons are the winners nor even considered losers. Why? If the admins responded to the anon and entertained it, it's simply because the admin/s are doing their jobs. Logic.

And seriously, I'm not joking if in case anon s happen in your rps. Hire me as your admin - or simply give me the pass for the anon confessions. I might or might not the hell out from them but what I don't want is those anons raining over the admins'. And I'm more than willing to help a person out. Worry not, what information deemed to be classified shall remain classified. I don't do dirty works. I'm just dirty.. In that sense. e u e /shot hard.

And comparing the anon confessions issues versus real life, it could be taken out as a country itself.

President versus the people against his/her administration.

A President should hear his people out and, versus those that are against his administration, i.e. protestors, never give them things in a literal way, but ammending things for his people's will would be better. Adjusting. In and with both sides. It makes the country stronger that way.


Moving on, dramas happen because of facechasers. People point their dirty fingers on who is a facechaser and who is not. Tell me, a facechaser, who in their right mind wouldn't admit that he/she is one? Only hypocrites.

And of course, before anything else, let's chop first what "facechaser" means.

From my perspective, a facechaser, in a broader sense, is someone who grabs the attention of another person. In short, an attention seeker. /slapped hard. 

Well, for a confined definition, which suits rpr and in certain rps the most would be chasing someone, may or may not be your bias (as you can facechase the rper instead), and talk only to that certain someone.

But since I'm too lazy to explian more, let's categorize facechasers instead. ;u; /

There are four kinds of facechasers:

a. Evident facechasers - These are the funniest

a.k.a "The mistaken facechasers" as people immediately point their dirty fingers unto them and throw bashful words that may injure them when, in fact, they talk freely to everybody.

These kind of facechasers can freely express themselves. They make the rp active as they would MINGLE with everyone and not just anyone. But, they "can" choose who they want to speak with and "can" choose who they want to stop speaking with.

You'd see them in anon confessions room but rare from the site of the anon confession since they can speak what they want to speak out and express themselves freely, either to help the confessor or to divert the dramatic confession into something else just to tone down the confession. 

They're transparent and they have no shame. They are free for anyone's knowledge to. They don't seclude themselves onto certain people.

Deceptive ability: 0.0-2.5/10

b. Silent facechasers - These are the so-so

a.k.a. "The choosy facechasers" as they choose who they want to talk and share themselves and be fully known to them and not everyone.

They're the ones who are mostly pertained by the rules.

They're silent in the sense that they'd only talk to you if they fit unto their likings and never bother on anyone or everybody else, therefore, they're choosy in the same sense.

The only times that they'd visit the anon confessions is when they're told to or informed by a friend. In short, they care less about drama for the rp's sake but care more the members of the well-being of their friends.. Less would they go on anon confessions.

Deceptive ability: 6/10

c. Safe facechasers - These are the scariest

a.k.a "The in denial facechasers" as they are the insecure facechasers.

They are safe in the sense that they can't accept they, too, facechase. They deny that they facechase. The only time that they will notice it is once they've been rejected by the person whom they facechase or/and after to. They prefer to be on a safer side than on a danger side. They'd only take risks once they are in anon facade.

MOST OF TIMES and NOT JUST SOMETIMES, they lash on anon confessions and deem it in an OOC aspect and would only see their existence as mere anons and not as their characters.

Deceptive ability: 8.5-10.5/10 (THEY'RE GOOD AT HIDING THAT'S WHY THEY'RE MARKED AS 10) e u e b 

d. Mixed facechasers - can be a mixture of Evident x Silent,  Silent x Safe, but never Evident x Safe

 - 1. Evident x Silent facechaser - This can happen if the silent facechaser starts to mingle in rooms, only in certain rooms, if they're rping with a certain someone. They're active in /rping/ in rooms as Evident facechasers tend to be /talking/ in rooms rather than /rping/ in rooms.

 Deceptive ability: 2.5-5.5/10

 - 2. Silent x Safe facechaser - They posts less in rooms but more in walls - given it's only to a certain someone or group of people. As silent water runs deep, sometimes, they turn into Safe facechasers once the trigger has been cocked.


** Correct me if I'm not mistaken with categorizing them. e u e b 

So yeah, which do you fall in to though? UuU / 


But of course, it's possible that a person can be deemed non-facechaser IF AND ONLY IF that person has no plans on becoming a couple with another person despite having so many attention in that certain rp. The only motif that he/she joins the rp is to make it active, nothing more, nothing less. But being, of course, a non-facechaser, has an exemption; although he/she has no plans on becoming a couple with another, and that is, there's no ulterior motive other than being active in that certain rp, which makes a non-facechaser impossible to point as who is a non-facechaser - because sometimes, non-fachasers may not be in a relationship or has no plans on being in a relationship, but if the intent so is to BASH, CONDEMN, DEPRIVE, DEGRADE, or/and etc. ANYONE in an rp, obviously, that's considered as facechasing. FACECHASING IS DONE IN A SENSE THAT THEY PLOT SOMETHING OUT TO BRING THE WORSE OF THAT RP/PERSON, THEREFORE, THAT PERSON IS THEN CATEGORIZED AS SAFE FACECHASER. E U E B

Safe facechasers in relation to insecured buttholes.

Apparently, in a wide sense, safe facechasers are actually the ones who see the ugliness of another and forget, or rather, reject and deny the ugliness of the self. This is so why they go into anon confessions and do this and that. They shift themselves onto the feet of another and hold a grudge against that certain person. In fact, they're not holding a grudge another person but for themselves. Why? Because they lack what the other has They feel so insecure. Simple as that. 

Safe facechasers in relation to hypocritical monsters.

They're the hypocrites. They're scared of finding out the truth about themselves. They only want to see others' mistakes, forgetting, that they, too, are the sinners. They PLAY safe and ACT indecently. They weep, cry, hide, and die in anon.

And if words have been shoved inside their s, they turn and evolve into monsters. UuU / /slapped.


So in certain cases, what should be provided in the rules in rps? 

In my opinion, it should be "Insecured buttholes or/and hyprocital monsters are forbidden" since they make the rp dead and not the mistaken facechasers instead of mentioning facechasers as everyone is deemed a facechaser.


And, I don't ing care if you get butthurt or not = u = Mehe. It's either I hit the right nail or pulled the trigger, WHICH, I HIGHLY INTENDED TO. UuU / /shot hard.


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NorwegianWood 10 years ago
So this is what you're doing last night = o =
I still am confused and whatnot/lazy to stalk and find the culprit/confused on why people must be hateful and scary.
God bless my fragile soul /slapped.
smdctr528 10 years ago
I didn't even read to halfway.
just_a_backup 10 years ago
Being a hater is how some people deal with their insecurities. Be kind to the cruel. No one needs affection more.
Aquaman 10 years ago
It was 2020 by the time I finished reading this =u=
But it's very helpful ouob
halfbloodprincess 10 years ago
There is this damn face chaser on a fb rp and damn do i want to step on him. Like feck, he is a complete freak and what not, but seriously he is telling everyone that the Leeteuk that broke up with his chara Heechul is a while he changes bf every other day. Like feck OUO
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