1st reaction: OMG,I'm sitting in my sisters room and the living room is kinda apart of it and my family is in there) and I'm trying not to cry..I FREAKING HAVE TEARS IN MY EYES THAT WANT TO COME OUT
2nd reaction Loves being right: I TOLD YOU HE WAS WEARING A WIG WHEN THEY WERE IN GUAM
3rd reaction: My heart hurts because of that video idk how i feel,I've seen him with short dark hair and he looks cute but... I'm in shock. i showed my mom the video and even she doesn't know how to no no..
4th reaction: REALLY PLEDIS??? YOU RELEASE A VIDEO OF MY "worst nightmare" (as my mom calls it) ON FRIDAY THE 13TH
5th (last) reaction: actually he looks pretty good. I guess it's just going to take some time to get used to
and that my friends is what we call the stages of fangirling at midnight
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