Yet Another Survey ^^; *Stolen*

Status [M]

State your fanfiction pen name.
MajoraTwilight (VanillaStrawberry on AFF)

Are you more of a reader or a writer?
I'm pretty flexible with both ^^

When did you first start reading/writing fanfiction?
Oh gosh...I can't remember honestly, but I think it was when I was in middle school

What’s the first fanfiction you ever read/wrote? What is it about?
Well the first I wrote was either a poorly written Harry Potter or Naruto fanfic. I can't remember honestly, I just remember my OC was poorly thought out and badly written ^^; That's all I'll discuss.

What ratings do you read/write?
It entirely depends on my mood, but I think I mainly write PG-13 with a few Rated M or Rated R fics in mind.

What was your first fandom?
I believe it was Harry Potter and the anime fandom for second  

List all the fandoms you have read/written in.
KPop, anime/manga, Legend of Zelda, Harry Potter, Twilight and I think I read a few Kingdom Hearts fics I enjoyed.

What is your favorite fandom to read/write for?
BAP, Exo, DBSK, getting curious about Infinite read a couple good fics of them, Attack on Titan, Naruto/Shippuden, Harry Potter

Any fandom you would like to write in?
Infinite but I'm not familiar with the members

What was your first ship?
Non KPop wise it was NaruHina for Naruto and RonxHermione ^^

List all the pairings you have read/written in.
Yunjae, most of the DBSK ships, BangLo, BangDae, Yonggukxanyone, Taoris, JeTi, TaengSica and many more

What is your favorite pairing to read/write for?
I love reading Taoris or Yunjae ships ^^ One of the few 'canon' KPop ships I've enjoyed as of late

Is there any pairing you refuse to read/write?
Taeny. I don't know why...I just could never get into this pair.

What do you think of het stories? Slash/? Femslash/Yuri?
I think all are equally good. Femslash sometimes makes me a little awkward to read, but it's no different then male slash so I guess it doesn't bother me THAT bad I'm just more partial to male slash and hetero pairings ^^; Other than that though like I said, I'm not really bothered by any of it too much. It all depends on the story and how good it is for me.

What is your favorite genre?
Angst and mpreg ^^

What is your least favorite genre?
Not real crazy about the vampire genres anymore but that doesn't really count since I can still read/write them X'3 So I guess I'd have to say it's -__-

Any genre you would like to read/write for?
Psychological horror sounds cool but I have no knowledge of how a psychological story works. I'd have to do research on it first.

List all of your favorite writers.
MusicChibi, Hyesung, Conchobar and Dreamkeeper88

Which writer inspires your own work?

For novelist wise it's Stephen King and JK Rowling for original stories, fanfic wise...I dunno really.

What story has the most impact to you, so much that you remember it all the time?
Concrete Angel by MusicChibi. I still remember that one, tragic scene so vividly in my mind :(

What is website you use most to read/write fanfiction?
It was AFF at first, but now I've kind of moved on to AO3...I feel more at peace there ^^

Any certain things you avoid reading/writing about?
, anything with that daddy+baby kink involved I just can't with those two genres the most =.=

What do you enjoy best about fanfiction in general?
Being able to use my imagination about my favorite idols or characters ^-^ I love being able to use my creativity like that

Do you have any fanfiction pet peeves?
I can tolerate most things actually, but if the grammar is too unreadable I can't enjoy the story if it's written 'Lyke dis' you know? But other than that if you have just misspellings or whatever hey that's understandable ^^

How long should a chapter be?
However long you want it to be

Have you ever flamed someone?


Have you ever been flamed?
A few times on Fanfiction.Net

Do you roleplay online?
Yes indeed :3


(Writers Only)

How many published fanfictions have you written?
Four on my new AFF account 'VanillaStrawberry' and about 36 on my old account

Which one of your fanfictions has the most words? The most views? The most comments? The most upvotes? How many?
Most words I can write is about a thousand or so, most comments was a crappy old story I had that had about a ninety comments and a hundred upvotes at the most I think ^^;

At the moment, which one of your fanfictions is your favorite/you are the most proud of? (you can include unpublished fanfictions)
My Jaejoong one shot 'Dead Is Better' and another upcoming fanfic I feel good about

Out of all characters you have written, which one do you feel you identify the most with?
Probably an rpc I have named Jackson in this rp I have ^^; Some of my personality was actually mixed with his: Not entirely of course, but the fact he's really awkward when you first meet him is kind of how I am sometimes heh.

Do you use beta reader?

What warnings have you used on your stories?
/non con, dark material basically+sensitive material

Do reviews affect how you write in any way?
Eh sometimes but it depends on how the reviewer treated me

What makes you happy the most as a writer?
When I finish a story instead of deleting it if I feel it isn't good enough: I'm proud of the fact I continued the story despite mixed feelings about it and edit it later on to make it sound even better or however you'd put that ^^

Do you generally outline your fanfictions or do you prefer to write spontaneously then revise?
Flexible with both. Sometimes I outline and sometimes I just write whatever comes to mind.

Have you ever stolen something from another person’s work?
Nope I dislike thieves like that

What do you feel is your biggest challenge when writing?
Finding things to write about and trying to write them out -.-

Do you have any certain ritual to do before/while/after you write?
Not really but sometimes I write before I go to bed or early in the mornings to get my ideas out.

Do you actively advertise your story or request for reviews/upvotes?
Not really but sometimes





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