✚ - Rises in the East ft. Bora

BIO: Bora was born in a small rural country as the younger of two daughters in the Yoon family. Her father was a soldier and her mother was a princess. There was no war to fight at the moment her father just protected the kingdom, and her mother was the youngest of three so she would not lead the country. Being of slight royalty didn't much matter among the people of the village, because everyone was raised together as a family. If a child was found alone and hungry, a member of the village would take them and house them until they could return home. They were spiritual people and caring people and tough people. Although they didn't fight among themselves, they trained themselves in defensive fighting to be prepared in case foreigners stumble upon their kingdom. Since the age of five, Bora trained heavily, focusing on aikido, wing chun and boxing techniques, she learned to defend herself. It was like second nature to her, although she never had to use it. Not until after a fortune teller wandered into the village. She told of bad fortunes. It caused a stir in the country and the fortune teller was brought to the Queen for questioning. Bora was around nine years old when she witnessed the fortune teller speak in the courtyard. When the Queen asked for her fortune to be told, the fortune teller went into a tranze chanting "The child born of white hair, will lead to death and despair." Promptly, she was sent away, with a laugh by the villagers, but Bora was shocked to the core because she was a child born with white hair. It was a family secret. Kept within the palace. When she was old enough to travel about, they constantly stained her hair brown so that she would not stand out as a target and if this got out to the villagers, she would rile up their supersititions. Her parents were worried, as well as her older sister, so they cautious kept an eye on Bora, yet they tried to convince her that everything was a story. A year had even passed and everything was as normal as it had been for years, everyone had finally forgot of the woman's prophecy and that's when things started to go bad.
   In the night, a herd of nomadic soldiers crept into the village and began to destroy everything. They set fire to the homes and went straight for the kingdom, preparing to loot. The soldiers held them off as long as the can but most were just stalling until other families could run away. Bora's mother rushed into her and her sister's room at night with small hastily packed bags and told them to run and hide until it was clear, then to go far away. Bora was still confused, never having any experience with this kind of things but her sister took charge and they snuck away out the back as the soldiers breached their small palace and shots rang out. Bora and her sister hid in the crawl space beneath a shed until all the attention went back to palace. When they thought the coast was clear they snuck out, but the coast was not clear and a couple soldiers caught them and smirked trying to bring them back to the palace but they escape with the simplest way to rid themselves of a man. Bora's sister fought off the other one and Bora herself kicked to get away, then they ran while them men promised to see them again. They ran all night, east of the village which is probably where the soldiers had come from so they wouldn't go back. It was four days until they found some other sign of life. A man with a truck who took them back to his city after hearing their story. He said he would look after them. Bora felt unsure but her older sister took charge and thought of anything for survival to keep them well until their parents caught up with her. The man was a pretty kind man to Bora's eyes, even after a month of taking care of two young women with no sign of their parents. Bora kept her hopes up waiting for them but she was having a hard time trying to adapt to a big city life. There were so many people and they weren't as nice as the people in her village. She didn't like it but she put up with it for her sister. After three months Bora was awoken by shouting and rumbling from her sister. Apparently, the man had tried to take advantage of her but didn't know she was a trained fighter. They ran again after knocking the man out. This time they took the car and drove until it ran out of gas.
   Over the years, man other events like that took place. Bora's sister was always trying to take the brunt of the hits to protect Bora. Unfortunately, they grew used to it. Moving from city to city, asking about their parents, being harassed for their looks by various men. By the time Bora was 16, that's when they got news of their village. They were told that some people from that part of the country had traveled to the temple in the mountains. So of course they went to the mountains, but there was no good news. The village were destroyed and many were dead and more were missing after being dispersed. Her older sister nearly gave up and collapsed. She had been working so hard to protect Bora in hopes that her parents would come and relieved her, but with this news, there would be no relief to come. The monks of the temple took her in and cared for her along with a few people from her home village, they wanted to honor the new queen. Seeing herself as a burden to her sister, Bora planned to do what she did best, and run away alone this time, but she was caught by a man at the temple and told that she was not yet ready but you are one of them. Humoring the man, she questioned him but he just laughed and closed his eyes. Bora doesn't know what kept her from leaving, but she believed it was her uncertainty. But less than a day later, she found an exit from her situation when people from a secret society visited the mountains. They were fighters of all ages and races and she liked their cause. She joined them with little resistance from her sister and left the mountains to train with them for the next eight years. After strengthening her defense skills and learning more offensive techniques and use of weaponry, Bora believed she would be a better help to her sister and others like her village. And after those eight years of working with the society, Bora was sent to Nebula on a mission.
   Nebula Island used to be known as a place no one wanted to go. There were too many fights, ninjas, gangs, mobs. It was an island of violence and the war that started the biggest feud on the island was the primary thought when others mentioned the island, but after the tournaments began the city regained status and regained power. That is why Bora was sent here. After training in various fluid martial arts techniques, and use of weaponry for 8 years, Bora was ready for her mission. She left in the night during one of the busiest times for the island. She left in the eve of the Enter the Dragon tournament. Alone and homely looking, she easily blended in with the tourists on the island and just as quickly as she came, she snuck away to find a job. It was the first step in her mission. She needed to assimilate into the culture. Bora started small and got a job as a farmer, she could grow her own fool and herbs while assisting the farmers. In less than a year she had gotten enough information to blend in and move back to the city. She thanked the kind family of the farmer and changed her entire look in an effort to not be recognized. Dying her light hair black and discarding her ragged clothes for more chic and modern ones, she moved into the city. Using all the money shse acquired from farming, Bora moved into a low budget apart while working on her next move. By the end of that year, she had toughed out one of the roughest neighborhoods in Nebula and finally found a job worth her new image. The Emperor was in need of more palace workers and she jumped at the chance. Using her looks and her charm, she sweetly persuaded them into giving her a job and she's been dutifully biding her time there for the last year. 
**AHEM*** WHY DO i have so many crappy layouts. I have no idea. I need to get back to doing detail. Ummm please also remember that I don't think I will put any RP layouts up only profile layouts and that the further you go back the rougher they get because RPR changed at one point and my HTML got ed up.
PERSONALITY: In short, Bora is impatient, determined, meticulous, fiery, sarcastic, secretive and moody. She plays along if she finds you interesting, and won't tell you full truths if she doesn't trust you enough. She's used to being alone but she doesn't like being alone. She also bottles things up instead of just telling how she feels, so often she will explode out of frustration. She a girl full tough love and a habit of whacking people when they're being stupid, or smug, or when she's laughing too hard.



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