I'm Kinda-sorta cool....




Level 1

( ) Smoked a cigarette. 

( ) Smoked a cigar.

( ) Kissed a member of the same .



Level 2

(x) Are/been in love.

(x) Dumped someone.

( ) Been fired.

(x) Been in a fist fight.



Level 3

(x) Had a crush on an older person.

(x) Skipped class. 

( ) Slept with a co-worker.

( ) Seen someone/something die.



Level 4

( ) Had/have a crush on one of your DA friends. (whats DA friend?)

( ) Been to Paris. 

( ) Been to Spain.

( ) Been on a plane.

( ) Thrown up from drinking.



Level 5

(x) Eaten sushi.

( ) Been snowboarding.

( ) Met someone in person through the internet.

( ) Been in a mosh pit



Level 6

( ) Been in an abusive relationship.

( ) Taken painkillers.

(x) Liked/loved someone who you couldn't have.

(x) Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by.

( ) Made a snow angel.(sad but here, we don't have snow..)



Level 7

( ) Had a tea party.

(x) Built a sand castle.

(x) Flown a kite.

(x ) Gone mudding.

( ) Played dress-up.

SO FAR: 11


Level 8

( ) Jumped into a pile of leaves.

( ) Gone sledding.

(x) Cheated while playing a game.

(x) Been Lonely.

(x) Fallen asleep at work/school.

SO far: 14


Level 9

(x) Been screamed at.

(x) Got injured. And bled.

( ) Caught something on fire.

( ) Illegally turned a fire alarm on.

(x) Stole something.

SO FAR : 17


Level 10

(x) Watched the sun set or rise.

() Felt an earthquake. 

( ) Killed a snake.

SO FAR: 18


Level 11

(x) Been tickled.

(x) Been robbed/vandalized.

(x) Been cheated on.

(x) Been misunderstood.

SO FAR: 22


Level 12

( ) Won a contest.

( ) Been suspended from school.

( ) Had detention

( ) Been in a car/motorcycle accident.

SO FAR: 22


Level 13

( ) Had/have braces.

(x) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night.

( ) Danced in the moonlight.

SO FAR: 23


Level 14

( ) Hated the way you look.

( ) Witnessed a crime.

( ) Pole danced.

(x) Questioned your heart.

( ) Been obsessed with post-it notes.

SO FAR: 24


Level 15

(x) Squished barefoot through the mud.

( ) Been to the opposite side of the world.

( ) Swam in the ocean.

( ) Felt like you were dying.

SO FAR: 25


Level 16

(x) Cried yourself to sleep.

(x) Played cops and robbers.

(x) Recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers.

(x) Sang karaoke.

( ) Paid for a meal with only coins.

SO FAR: 29


Level 17

(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't.

(x) Made prank phone calls.

(x) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose.

( ) Kissed in the rain.

SO FAR: 32


Level 18

( ) Written a letter to Santa Claus.

(x) Watched the sunset/sunrise with someone you care/cared about.

(x) Blown bubbles.

( ) Made a bonfire on the beach or anywhere.

SO FAR: 34


Level 19

( ) Crashed a party.

( ) Have traveled more than 5 days with a car full of people.

( ) Gone rollerskating/blading.

( ) Had a wish come true.

( ) Been humped by a monkey.

SO FAR: 34


Level 20

( ) Worn pearls.

( ) Jumped off a bridge.

(x) Screamed bad words.

( ) Swam with dolphins. 

SO FAR: 35


Level 21

( ) Got your tongue stuck to a pole/freezer/ice cubes.

( ) Kicked a fish.

(x) Worn the opposite 's clothes.

( ) Sat on a rooftop and watched the stars.

SO FAR: 36


Level 22

(x) Screamed at the top of your lungs.

(x) Done/attempted a one-handed cartwheel.

( ) Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours.

(x) Recently stayed up really late talking to someone you care about.

SO FAR: 39


Level 23

(x) Picked and ate an apple right off the tree.

(x) Climbed a tree.

(x) Had/been in a tree house.

(x) Been scared to watch scary movies alone. (when its only me in the house.. okay)

SO FAR: 43


Level 24

(x) Believe in ghosts.

( )Have had more than 30 pairs of shoes.

( ) Gone streaking.

( )visited a jail.

SO FAR: 44


Level 25

(x) Played chicken.

(x) Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on.

( ) Been told you're hot by a complete stranger.

( ) Broken a bone.

(x) Been easily amused.

SO FAR: 47


Level 26

( ) Caught a fish then ate it later. 

( ) Made a video/got asked to make one.

(x) Caught a butterfly.

(x) Laughed so hard you cried.

(x) Cried so hard you laughed.

SO FAR: 50


Level 27

( ) Mooned/flashed someone. 

( ) Had someone moon/flash you.

(x) Cheated on a test.

(x) Forgotten someone's name.

( ) French braided someone's hair.

( ) Gone skinny dipping.

( ) Been kicked out of your house.

SO FAR: 52


Level 28

( ) Rode a roller coaster. (i want to ride one...*sulks*

( ) Went scuba-diving/snorkeling.

( ) Had a cavity. 

( ) Blackmailed someone.

(x) Been blackmailed.

SO FAR: 53


Level 29

(x) Been used.

(x) Fell going up the stairs.

( ) a cat.

( ) Bitten a cat.

( ) Gone to a rave party.

SO FAR: 55


Level 30

( ) Been shot at/or at gunpoint.

( ) Had in the rain.

( ) Flattened someone's tires.

( ) Rode in a car/truck until the gas light came on.

( ) Got five dollars or less worth of gas.




0-10: Go outside.

11-20: Get a life.

21-30: Loser.

31-40: Loner.

41-50: You have friends?

51-60: You're kinda-sorta cool.

61-70: I'll hang with you.

71-80: Mr. Cool.

81-90: Dude, you're sweet!

91-100: Friggin' awesome!

101-110: Woah!

111-119: Holy crap, you belong in a hospital!

120: Corpse


credits: feng_hua 


Level 1

( ) Smoked a cigarette. 

( ) Smoked a cigar.

( ) Kissed a member of the same .



Level 2

(x) Are/been in love.

(x) Dumped someone.

( ) Been fired.

(x) Been in a fist fight.



Level 3

(x) Had a crush on an older person.

(x) Skipped class. 

( ) Slept with a co-worker.

( ) Seen someone/something die.



Level 4

( ) Had/have a crush on one of your DA friends. (whats DA friend?)

( ) Been to Paris. 

( ) Been to Spain.

( ) Been on a plane.

( ) Thrown up from drinking.



Level 5

(x) Eaten sushi.

( ) Been snowboarding.

( ) Met someone in person through the internet.

( ) Been in a mosh pit



Level 6

( ) Been in an abusive relationship.

( ) Taken painkillers.

(x) Liked/loved someone who you couldn't have.

(x) Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by.

( ) Made a snow angel.(sad but here, we don't have snow..)



Level 7

( ) Had a tea party.

(x) Built a sand castle.

(x) Flown a kite.

(x ) Gone mudding.

( ) Played dress-up.

SO FAR: 11


Level 8

( ) Jumped into a pile of leaves.

( ) Gone sledding.

(x) Cheated while playing a game.

(x) Been Lonely.

(x) Fallen asleep at work/school.

SO far: 14


Level 9

(x) Been screamed at.

(x) Got injured. And bled.

( ) Caught something on fire.

( ) Illegally turned a fire alarm on.

(x) Stole something.

SO FAR : 17


Level 10

(x) Watched the sun set or rise.

() Felt an earthquake. 

( ) Killed a snake.

SO FAR: 18


Level 11

(x) Been tickled.

(x) Been robbed/vandalized.

(x) Been cheated on.

(x) Been misunderstood.

SO FAR: 22


Level 12

( ) Won a contest.

( ) Been suspended from school.

( ) Had detention

( ) Been in a car/motorcycle accident.

SO FAR: 22


Level 13

( ) Had/have braces.

(x) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night.

( ) Danced in the moonlight.

SO FAR: 23


Level 14

( ) Hated the way you look.

( ) Witnessed a crime.

( ) Pole danced.

(x) Questioned your heart.

( ) Been obsessed with post-it notes.

SO FAR: 24


Level 15

(x) Squished barefoot through the mud.

( ) Been to the opposite side of the world.

( ) Swam in the ocean.

( ) Felt like you were dying.

SO FAR: 25


Level 16

(x) Cried yourself to sleep.

(x) Played cops and robbers.

(x) Recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers.

(x) Sang karaoke.

( ) Paid for a meal with only coins.

SO FAR: 29


Level 17

(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't.

(x) Made prank phone calls.

(x) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose.

( ) Kissed in the rain.

SO FAR: 32


Level 18

( ) Written a letter to Santa Claus.

(x) Watched the sunset/sunrise with someone you care/cared about.

(x) Blown bubbles.

( ) Made a bonfire on the beach or anywhere.

SO FAR: 34


Level 19

( ) Crashed a party.

( ) Have traveled more than 5 days with a car full of people.

( ) Gone rollerskating/blading.

( ) Had a wish come true.

( ) Been humped by a monkey.

SO FAR: 34


Level 20

( ) Worn pearls.

( ) Jumped off a bridge.

(x) Screamed bad words.

( ) Swam with dolphins. 

SO FAR: 35


Level 21

( ) Got your tongue stuck to a pole/freezer/ice cubes.

( ) Kicked a fish.

(x) Worn the opposite 's clothes.

( ) Sat on a rooftop and watched the stars.

SO FAR: 36


Level 22

(x) Screamed at the top of your lungs.

(x) Done/attempted a one-handed cartwheel.

( ) Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours.

(x) Recently stayed up really late talking to someone you care about.

SO FAR: 39


Level 23

(x) Picked and ate an apple right off the tree.

(x) Climbed a tree.

(x) Had/been in a tree house.

(x) Been scared to watch scary movies alone. (when its only me in the house.. okay)

SO FAR: 43


Level 24

(x) Believe in ghosts.

( )Have had more than 30 pairs of shoes.

( ) Gone streaking.

( )visited a jail.

SO FAR: 44


Level 25

(x) Played chicken.

(x) Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on.

( ) Been told you're hot by a complete stranger.

( ) Broken a bone.

(x) Been easily amused.

SO FAR: 47


Level 26

( ) Caught a fish then ate it later. 

( ) Made a video/got asked to make one.

(x) Caught a butterfly.

(x) Laughed so hard you cried.

(x) Cried so hard you laughed.

SO FAR: 50


Level 27

( ) Mooned/flashed someone. 

( ) Had someone moon/flash you.

(x) Cheated on a test.

(x) Forgotten someone's name.

( ) French braided someone's hair.

( ) Gone skinny dipping.

( ) Been kicked out of your house.

SO FAR: 52


Level 28

( ) Rode a roller coaster. (i want to ride one...*sulks*

( ) Went scuba-diving/snorkeling.

( ) Had a cavity. 

( ) Blackmailed someone.

(x) Been blackmailed.

SO FAR: 53


Level 29

(x) Been used.

(x) Fell going up the stairs.

( ) a cat.

( ) Bitten a cat.

( ) Gone to a rave party.

SO FAR: 55


Level 30

( ) Been shot at/or at gunpoint.

( ) Had in the rain.

( ) Flattened someone's tires.

( ) Rode in a car/truck until the gas light came on.

( ) Got five dollars or less worth of gas.




0-10: Go outside.

11-20: Get a life.

21-30: Loser.

31-40: Loner.

41-50: You have friends?

51-60: You're kinda-sorta cool.

61-70: I'll hang with you.

71-80: Mr. Cool.

81-90: Dude, you're sweet!

91-100: Friggin' awesome!

101-110: Woah!

111-119: Holy crap, you belong in a hospital!

120: Corpse


credits: feng_hua 


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