my current exo ships (i have given in to being an exotic)


Im giving up and admiting I'm an exotic. My newest ultimate bias(es) and main exo bias (also my exok bias) is Do Kyungsoo. The other newest ultimate bias (also exom bias, and the on after d.o) is Xiumin. Lmao I lost the battle against exo. But anyway I dont think I have a OTP but I ship Kyungsoo and Chanyeol (ChanSoo? KyungYeol?) and KaiSoo (IM SORRY SEKAI, EVEN AFTER THESE YEARS IN TTT I ENDED UP W ANOTHER SHIP) and Lay x Xiumin (LayMin? YiMin? MinXing?????) and ChenMin (XiuChen?) and KaiYeol which is a troll ship. But the ultimate troll ship is Ryeowook x Kyungsoo. Ryeowook srsly talks so much about D.O LOL. Theyre cute haha and Ryeowook is one of my biases lmao. 

Okay but srsly what are exo's main ships???


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Jishubunny 10 years ago
I thought my main ship is going to be TaoMin... but then it switched to KrisMin and it has been like that since then~ HAHAHAHA!!! KrisMin and KaiSoo~

Kai and Kyungsoo has a lot of pics together but I don't actually see them interacting much... hahaha~ it's weird but I like them as a pair~ or maybe I'm just influenced by the really nice fics of this pairing~ haha!!!

But you know me... I read and write any pairing~ hahahah!!
thrillcraft 10 years ago
The main ships are KaiSoo, HunHan, BaekYeol, SuLay, TaoRis, and XiuChen.
But then the popular ones now are KrisLay, TaoHun, and XiuHan.
My OTPs are all ninjas: SeKai and KrisHan.
And oh I like SeKaiHan and SeKaiTao as well :3
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