So ive thought about it for a while now and its been a wjile since ive rp'd but i have decided to deactivate my account.
Sorry to those that care and if you want to stay in contact and possibly just talk or rp you can add me freely on Line (i believe my id is snowingjoi and if not then it's musiclyfe)
Anyways it was fun while it was fresh but i think ive kind of outgrown my hype with rpr and just want to move on.
I will miss those i really talked to like
OptimoPrimeu #@yorealnamesoyouknowitsreal #Migwuel! #nigga
My dongaeng Skittles #idekyourrealname #nikkuh
MelodyKimKiBum #it'sbeenawhilegirl
Kisoepswife i will not miss because i have your kik
BlessedCurse I will not miss because i live with you and Aralia
My twin on the East Coast #forgotyourusernamebutyoureonmywallandiwillmissyou
My pm rps #sorryidontreplyanymore
I have 70+ friends and only 5-10 really give a damn but im not gonna stress it
Love and Happiness
CulturallyDifferent A.K.A. #realname SummerJoi✩♥✩♡
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