One True Pairing┊ AU rp┊Newly Opened, Please check it out~ -Inspirityeol's RP♥

Status [M]
Tags roleplayau 


One True Pairing

In a world where I control what you do

And you follow.



1) You will be given missions by Red Card and White Card, and possibly a Black Card, with a mission on it. These missions must be completed in a room. No wall to wall posts when completing a mission. Unless given permission by an admin

2) Once you have completed the mission you must report back to the mission room and say "Mission complete - Red Card/White Card/Black Card" <--- choose one card depending on which mission you completed.

3) Admins may only communicate to characters in PM. Characters may only reply to the PM or post on an Admins walls if specifically told to.

4) You cannot deny any mission given by Black Card.

5) You may decline missions from Red or White Card.

6) Comment on this room if you have any further questions


White Card (Currently Taken but open for anyone who wishes to take it- Main Admin)

White card is one of the mission cards. White Card can be considered all the 'innocent' missions.

Red Card (Taken - Main Admin)

Red card is one of the mission cards. Red Card can be considered all the 'not-innocent' missions.

Black Card (Open)

Black Card is a punishment card. If a character either fail or refuses to complete a mission, then Black Card shall give them a punishment. Only punishment that Black Card cannot give is seperating an OTP.

Voice in the Wind (Co-admin)

Voice in the wind simply goes around and stalks couples or individuals. They an then spread rumours, telling them on the Oak Tree page and if they choose to, telling them directly to the person/people. Skip a few details, add a few details, or make something up yourself.

-currently hiring admins! 

red, white, and voice in the wind are currently taken! we need a black one who's good in punishing. :p 


1) Suscribe. Upvoting is optional, but highly reccomended.

2) Read ALL rules and how things work

3) No OOC drama

4) If you're going on hiatus then comment and tell an admin.

5) Unexplained inactivity for 7 days  will be given 2 warnings. After the second warning, if you are inactive again for 7 unexplained days, I will kick you out

6) If the character you wish to roleplay as is not on the masterlist, feel free to comment and i'll add him.

7) No mpreg for now. is allowed if both rp-ers agree in OOC but be warned if this is considered cheating on your OTP

8) Post something every 3 days

9) Use brackets when talking in OOC

10) 3rd and 1st POV are both allowed

11) is also allowed

This is a RP. NO GIRLS

Application Form

Name of Idol:


OTP you wished to be paired as: (Execpted INFINITE cause admin is biased and already had INFINITE OTP's set)



Do you ?

(Chracters are not to respond to Admin PM's unless told to by the Admin. Characters must not post on Admin walls or PM. This is exepted for 'Voice in the Wind')



Admins must be very active

Admins are also allowed to rp as another character

Admins are not allowed to be biased to characters

Admins must be creative

Admins may only play their roles while using Admin character and must only communicate to other characters in PM

If you wish to become an admin, please don't be biased or favouritism.Be creative

-check How Things Work for admin form and positions-



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LoveCupcake 11 years ago
What is the password?
nekojita 11 years ago
Link please?
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