I hate people here sometimes



Like, god damn it, people are so annoying here lately!

Gee, I am soooooo sorrrryyyy for not being your imaginary dominate partner who is perfect, bc I dunno what this particular person was looking for, but hell, they must have imagined things going a certain way and when it doesn't happen, the person gets all pissy

Like what the actual , my character does one thing, they reject. My character asks what they want, they ing ignore that whole question being asked and continue not liking anything I even attempt!

And I sure as ing hate it when writers don't even write a substantial amount of writing that they can't answer anything you wrote about. Sometimes I just ask myself, Did they even try? Why do I try to write so much for a measly bit of uninteresting material that I somehow pull a nice reply out of my , only for it to get a few ugly lines. 

Yes, ugly lines because they are just boring and take forever for some people to write.

People are so annoying.

I'm just ranting so it probably doesn't even make that much sense, but heck, I know where I'm leaving next.


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glosspd 10 years ago
That typo I've made though *shot
glosspd 10 years ago
Wheeze I'm a forever uke rper cause of that exact same reason. I tried to be a dominant rper a character but gdi I don't understand what they want. So far, I've been a uke character and my relationship with the other last for quite a long time. Shortest was a week cause he left;; but omg bb, I hope that those crappy replies isn't me cause we just started role playing and I hope I'm not the reason to you being like this;; forgive me if I have mistakes my replies the most when I'm super sick or super lazy but I reply a few hours late if I'm lazy. Cause when I read it back, it so hard, I should just bury myself in a pool of noodles;;
zero4life 10 years ago
yeah unfortunately i got those too. and it's hard to continue to be nice to them when you wonder if they even try. -_- ugh..
besides we had a pm but you lost your muse. so wanna try something new? maybe?
Chocopa 10 years ago
I know xx it's pretty annoying when the other part of a relationship isn't trying..... As an uke Rper, aka the non dominant character who basically is being bottom in an rp , ca t just expect the dominant part to do all the job..... They gotta give something back, do something. Just..... Anything !!! I totally understand you when you say people are getting boring and won't even try move the story on....I believe, and think the best thing to do is actually making the character do something back even if he is the uke, .....
Knightmare 10 years ago
Same. People have to be so inconsiderate with the effort that others bring with. There's this incident where I was asked if I'd like to continue the relationship that my character have with another and I'm like, "sure" and so we played. BUT THE FACT THAT SHE GAVE ME BORING REPLIES AND EXPECT ME TO BE THE FIRST MOVER ALWAYS IS SO ING ANNOYING. I LOATHE MIRRORED REPLIES. LIKE HOW THE WOULD IT BE SPONTANEOUS IF I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO TRIES TO MOVE THE SUBJECT ONTO ANOTHER? It's very tiring. Goddamit
unpoetically- 10 years ago
I don't typically play dominant characters unless it's a certain type of master/slave rp where I can be dominant yet still bottom, but I totally feel you hon. I've left many of the rps because my characters were ignored because they were more submissive (and not the stereotypical cutesy little s...my characters were straight up independent, hard to get es). And then every bottom, literally every bottom flocked to that one dom, and all the doms kinda fawned over other doms like, dude...I'm here too. I'm sorry I can't ing be the perfect ing roleplayer for you.

And when I do play the cutesy sub, all of a sudden the attention reverts right over and I have a million and one people ing asking me to rp. And it's just like...weren't these the same ers ignoring me?
So sure, I roleplay with a few, and we get a good plot going, and then I suddenly get a oneliner that I obviously can't reply to because like, what do you expect me to do? So I leave it, right? And about an hour later I get poked. And this goes on repeatedly for days before I straight up tell them I'm not replying to a oneliner. They redid the reply all nice and I was able to reply.
They didn't reply to me for a month and a half, and I'm not one to usually poke. But when I finally ing did, they flipped their .
Um, no thanks hon. You've bugged me every ing day every ing hour. I bugged you only one time, calmly asking if you'd reply. Not dealing with it.

But I just...ugh...
Those people that claim to love certain things and give you in return for the amazing you give them
It's no wonder why I want to just delete so many ing people all of a sudden
454412ed62d397c53b2a 10 years ago
Oh my god this is why I don't rp here much anymore I understand you so mUCH
And I hate it when they give you oneliners that you can't reply to and then they poke you in one day like wtf do you expect me to do????
ForeverYearsOfUs 10 years ago
I know just what you are talking about.
Don't you hate people? Because I do.
But at the same time I love other people but others are annoying.
Just like ugh.
minxrar 10 years ago
yeah people who reject non dominant characters are kind of ty. ive always been the non dominant and i tend to get ignored or rejected a lot and most of the time i feel like back handing him in the face. im not sure if the whole reply that takes forever thing is pointing to me but if it was im sorry, i tend to do that. sometimes i type things out and i forget to mention parts that happens to be the most important and i dont really realize it until like later after i went back and reread the replies the next day and stuff :/ i am a ty rper in general so i mean if that whole thing was directed to me i wouldnt be surprised
MajoraTwilight 10 years ago
I never understood why some rpers ignore non dominant characters O_o Luckily I am rping with people who aren't like that, I think I'd ask them flat out 'Are you ignoring me because of who my character is?' that would get rather annoying after awhile -__-

I seem to notice in master/slave or even kitten rps that subs don't always get attention from other people...unless they're a mix but even mixes get ignored sometimes *facepalm* In an rp you at least TRY to rp with everyone, that's all I ask of my rpers even if they may not like what status a character has. It's just not cool to ignore someone for that reason.
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oppasdiq 10 years ago
omg. i feel like that too. and don't you hate it when people ignore your character because they are not dominant?
TI_Chanyeol 10 years ago
I hate when people do that..
thats happened to me before
Like this person wanted to leace mg character cause he wasnt dominant
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