Trend Setter Alert: #Hashtag
So I was thinking to myself, I need to have a role model of the week so I can stay on top of myself, because I easily fall into being not the best I can be if I don't have no one to push me or a role model in life.
But, I don't do #WCW or #MCM because the majority is people you know or someone american.
In the Korean fandom we should have our own hashtag and I thought carefully over it.
And I came up with one or two in fact. It can be someone you are crushing, respect, favorite or someone you want as a role model. It's your favorite idol crush of the week!
There is one for the females and the males kpop idols!
Female Idol Friday #FIF
Male Idol Monday #MIM
It must be different every week as well.
You pick a korean idol male on Monday.
You pick a korean idol female only on friday.
Put it everywhere! Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, Kakao, AFF, RPR!
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