RIP RiSe and EunB and small rant


I sometimes hate going on twitter and I hate it when people post some of the most insensitive things ever.....I mean RiSe and EunB just died and I go on twitter and all I see is from this one lady "Two died now lets hope the rest die" and the same one posted "they are rotting in hell " and more things so when kpop fans stick up she said this "Kpop fans are so mean they are bullying me when I did nothing wrong" nothing wrong you made fun of two people who died! and thy she says she was hacked by her friend after then she is saying that her post were photo shopped not hacked. I don't find that right I don't care if you are not a fan of them or even a fan of kpop you DO NOT make fun of dead or say things like that. Have respect for then and for the ones who cared about them, it amazes me how cruel and mean people can be sorry for ranting I am so upset right now at that comments people post...death is one thing you should never joke about..I am sorry for this rant I really needed to get this off my chest I dislike when people say rude things such as 'I am glad that they died' or 'I hope the other memebers die as well' that is very rude to me 



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GDsVIPICWingz 9 years ago
Wow that's just ed up
lindir 9 years ago
Some people are just plain asses.
Loner_Kei 9 years ago
Some people will be heartless, just have to leave em be.
No point in talking sense into them if they aren't willing to listen...

Unless you are me who pesters people until they break completely, but not everyone has that hardcore attitude.
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