i don't ask a lot, but i need someone right now.


i've been depressed since 6th grade. it stopped for a few years, and now it's back. i shouldn't have bottled everything up. i should have said something, and now it's all out. i can't bring it back in.

it hurts, and i hate it. i hate not being able to control how i feel about even the smallest of things. just being told that i need to get off of the computer has begun to piss me off in more ways than what one could ever imagine.

i have not cried this much since my third visit to the school counselor. i hate it. i hate it all, and i just need to get more out. i can't... get out enough here, and i don't want to just get it out on this one post. i know it's a burden to others to carry the weight of my problems on their shoulders with each and every word that i type out for you to read, but i know that it'll be the best i can do. i can't speak to those in front of me. it's almost impossible for me anymore. 

i know i'll get plenty of comments, because these things are extremely serious when it comes to the thoughts that attach themselves, most of the time anyway, to depression. i know none of you will judge, but i need you to act as if you understand more than you ever had before. anything not said in the way i want, really can tip me over the edge, as much as i hate to admit it.

i'm really sorry for asking this, but i need to vent. i don't want to go through this, and i really don't want the medication.


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darkfengxi 10 years ago
Gah. I know this is pretty late, but... hey, I'm also here if you want to talk. I rarely open RPR nowadays honestly, but if you really need someone, PM me, I can give you links to my Facebook, or my other messengers.

I'm more of the listener type, though, so I may not help much... ;u;
camelkevin 10 years ago
you see me nearly every day of the week
i will talk
i am super serious about this
sit me down, tell me you need to talk
i will talk
and i will
deadrose 10 years ago
Baby, if you want to talk to me I'm always here.
Like seriously.
I think I understand depression because I'm in it but if you want we can P.M if you like...
-lavender 10 years ago
you can tell me anything kitty,
I'm willing to listen <3
SHInfinite_93 10 years ago
Whats wrong sweety bunny??
Something that can happened, can make us really desperate and frustrated fir not knowing what we should do to fix what wrong or to find something that cab make us want to live again.

If you need to talk, about anything, you can come to me withoyt hesitantly. I will be to hear and try ti help the best I can.
/huggles you really tightly/
dinopunch 10 years ago
You know that I am always here if you need to talk. Depression is something I know well. I have it. My best friend had it. My mum suffers from it badly and has done for at least ten years if not longer... It's something I know well.

However, I'm not someone who will tell people what they want to hear. I always tell it how it is. Because though someone may think only being told what they want to hear will help them, it doesn't. It harms them. Hearing the actual truth is more helpful. I give hard truths a lot of the time, but being someone who goes through it myself and have seen such a variety of how it affects people and other stuff, I have the confidence to speak brashly and straight to the point.

So though I am here for you and always will be. I may not be the best person to talk to if you don't want pure honesty etc. *snuggles* <3
-nevermind- 10 years ago
Sister~ ♡♡♡♡
I'm here for you, understand?
Depraved 10 years ago
If you need someone to talk to i am here
-Exotica 10 years ago
/hugs you/
If you need a listening ear im always here for you.
Feel free to talk to me whenever
LordShy 10 years ago
You can always come to me.
Whenever you feel like this just pm me
jaehyvnz 10 years ago
uhm, though im now in grade 6, but I can say I don't lose out to others based on mh experience. Always here for you to be your listening ea, dear. /o
hyuniebunny 10 years ago
*huggles* I told you before I'm here for you if you ever need anyone
So vent all you want I'm here for you
JCH21753 10 years ago
-turns into Totoro and curls around you, cuddling you close-
You can PM me if you wants...
--LovelyLittleAntry 10 years ago
I know we don't one another well, but I'm a good listener and I'll help you the best I can. Just pm me and vent all you want if you need to. I'm here for you. ^^
persephassa 10 years ago
babe :c
i'm here for you :c
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