Channie is Back! (Where I've been, what I'm doing now, rps, selcas and more!)


Hello my friends did you miss me?
    i know you certainly didn't miss my crappy blog editing /slapped
How are you all? I hope you've been well. My life has been CRAZY lately I'm sorry I've been away. I've been hiding on tumblr, and if any of you guys rp on their you should come find me here okay?
Wow, I really have missed this place. Certainly not the lack of good rps though, why are they so hard to find these days? Seriously. If any of you guys know some good ones with lengthy writing, active people and something not overly cliche... and no amtchmaking! Please comment below so I can check it out.

So, well other than that I dont' really have much news. I work now, i dropped out of school. My mental health is super touchy and I can be very edgy with due to a few incidents but I am seriously up for some rping. PM rps are welcome too message me I don't bite okay? ^^

Also I' m re-opening and activating this rp again and you should all join because its awesome! I promise <3 Yixing needs a queen and an heir, Yonghwa needs some subjects, Sohee and Xiumin need masters and the gladiator rings are rather empty. Come and see what we can offer you ^^


I know I promised a selca but I'm actually looking really ugly right now, but I dyed my hair dark and what ot so if you really want to see my face skype me okay <33 ;;


Hmm is there anything else I need to say? I'm not really sure. Just that I'm back and come and associate with me I love you guys <333


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Beomks 10 years ago
*clings and snuggles*
and I wanna rp OuO
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