

I'm sorry to say but everyone who I rp with needs to tell me their age because I do not want to get in trouble~

and if you are underage I will not with you~ I'm sorry to everyone who is underage but I just can't~ please don lie to me either because I can get in trouble~ and so could you for everyone that is 18+ 

it's different in each country so I just want everyone to know before anything happens^^ on the link it says what the age requirements are and everything for the specific state or country

please spread this link around or else they you will get your partners and friends in trouble


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meloveydovey 10 years ago
18 here ....
smilehoney 10 years ago
Thanks for letting us know!~ ^^ I'm 18.
454412ed62d397c53b2a 10 years ago
Oh thAT'S awkward I'm almost 16
-sweetkitty- 10 years ago
I'm well over 18. But just for kicks. I'm 22. I am giving a heads up. I'm copying and pasting if that's ok? I don't have time to write up a pretty note. lol. And I'm a bit lazy.
SeobSession 10 years ago
lol ive had this problem on a facebook rp once xD
one of the people i was rping with was 13 and i didn't know xD
though she was rping as Heechul so it was a given
Loveissostupid 10 years ago
I dont think this is really a big deal
This has been illegal for years now but no one cares really
KimmyKim62 10 years ago
My country it's 18+
I'm older then 18.
_mxchiie 10 years ago
this is funny because that's in the us, were I live everything with is legal if you're 15 and up.
Aegis- 10 years ago
>implying anyone on RPR cares
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