Police Brutality

I am sick and tired of police and authority harassing people who are trying to protest peacefully against the government. American government is not just for bussiness and politics. America was made for the people, but supposedly it is for the bussinesses and political leaders. I feel like this is corrupt in a sense where even our founding fathers were hypocritical. Some Presidents before Abraham Lincoln were known to own slaves. Did you know that Goerge Washington our FIRST president had owned slaves? It seems as if African Americans are free, but we are stuck with this label that we are not, in any way, intelligent. I may be thirteen African American and Asian mix, which are both minorities, BUT my rights will not be afflicted upon by the authorities. I WILL have a future, and I WILL help other African American men, women, and children get the life that they deserve. I will not let anyone tell me that I am too dumb to be in the highly accelerated classes. I am the ONLY African American that is in my English I class. I have been recognized by Duke University and I am in Junior Scholars. I REFUSE TO LET ANYONE, BE IT BLACK, WHITE, NATIVE AMERICAN, ASIAN, ETC, TELL ME I CAN'T BE WHO I WANT TO BE BECAUSE OF MY SKIN. (End of Rant)


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wanton 10 years ago
America is corrupt bruh.
And George Washington wasn't our first president btw ouo
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