
Okay, Christmas was so cool and I got so much cool stuff along with the Living Language Chinese Complete Edition (it's really cool and I'll get it in Korean as well next year. ) and the three Tokio Hotel albums I was missing (collection complete and die-hard fan ish happy*^*). But most importantly! !!! Two Men One Live got featured!!! Like wtf, I am not even active in my amines rps nor in Kost other rps Im in but it got featured!!!! Now, it's time to make it active again and Welcome to the Freakshow as well but I have no ideas and I don't want to bother my awesome co-admin, so I'm looking for one or two more co-administration each (trustworthy and able to take responsibility) who have fresh ideas and bring live into the rps again. Alsooo, who hasn't added me on my new line and Kakao yet or isn't following my Instagram acc? Comment~ best message ever: my sweet dongsaeng is back! In-Love-With-Eunhae, I missed you so much! Don't leave me like this again! *hyper*


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Im-your-lesbian-babe 10 years ago
Wow, I am so happy for you! You must have had a great holiday, you deserved it=]
Evelyn-Everdeen 10 years ago
Whaaaaaat? Awesome co-admin wants to help, too~! (Though we really do need more admins with good ideas!)
Calliope 10 years ago
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