《❤》50 Shades of Grey《❤》〘Movie, Misconceptions, Reason...〙

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Fifty Shades of Grey

#‎4e5054‬, #272727, #282828, #292929, ‪#‎2b2b2b‬, ‪#‎2c2c2c‬, ‪#‎2e2e2e‬, #313131, #323232, #343434, #353535, #373737, #393939, ‪#‎3a3a3a‬, ‪#‎3c3c3c‬, ‪#‎3f3f3f‬, #404040, #424242, #444444, #454545, #474747, #484848, ‪#‎4a4a4a‬, ‪#‎4b4b4b‬, ‪#‎4d4d4d‬, ‪#‎4e4e4e‬, #505050, #515151, #535353, #565656, #575757, #585858, #595959, ‪#‎5b5b5b‬, ‪#‎5c5c5c‬, ‪#‎5e5e5e‬, #616161, #626262, #646464, #656565, #676767, ‪#‎6a6a6a‬, ‪#‎6b6b6b‬, ‪#‎6c6c6c‬, ‪#‎6d6d6d‬, ‪#‎6f6f6f‬, #727272, #737373, #757575, #767676, #777777, ‪#‎7b7b7b‬, ‪#‎7c7c7c‬, ‪#‎7d7d7d‬, ‪#‎7e7e7e‬, #808080, #818181, #838383, #868686, #878787, #888888, #898989, ‪#‎8b8b8b‬, ‪#‎8c8c8c‬, ‪#‎8e8e8e‬, #919191, #929292, #949494, #959595, #979797, ‪#‎9a9a9a‬, ‪#‎9b9b9b‬, ‪#‎9c9c9c‬, ‪#‎9d9d9d‬, #9f9f9f, #a0a0a0, #a2a2a2, #a5a5a5, #a6a6a6, #a8a8a8, #a9a9a9, #ababab, #aeaeae, #afafaf, #b0b0b0.​


First of all, I must say the soundtracks for the movie is extraordinary, sensual and quite ic.


Why they chose a poorly written book to produce as a movie?

This is my belief and only makes sense if you know how the media works.
1.  sells.
Everyone should know that!
  has been a secret will hidden society from the greek/roman days. Yes, it's been around since the first centuries of time!
2. They wanted a controversy, all this dispute over her horrible book is making the book known! It's making people want to buy and read the book to see for them selves!
3. She was connected to the greatest and also well known controversial movie Twilight, since the story is basically a spin off, being originally a fan fiction.
I bet the company behind this and the producer, was visioning this and dying from the signs of million dollars raining and what people are currently giving to the front desk of the movie clerk.
4. They wanted to promote  slowly, easily and sneakingly. 
How do you think people would react if this Movie was called Choke me and me with her writing being so detailed that the person can't even get through the first chapter nonetheless the first page! 
Most likely, it would be much more refused to the audience and nonetheless the movie goers.
Let's think logically, by using an example of the media. In the olden days, talking 40's and 60's, when there were TV on the shows, they never showed couples in the bed, pertaining to . Then easily, they started to show them in the bed, just in their night clothes reading books, talking, etc. Then they eased it, with them kissing with their clothes on then the clothes disappear. Now, they aren't married anymore and showing partial .
It's the same tactic here.
5. It's fresh and new...
Being that  'use' to the be a secret society indulging in this breath taking ual activities, majority around us, didn't know about it That's what is all about, doing something that people never known before and what's even more, is involved. Perfection!

Saying all this, I am not an anti for , but rather a supporter. Hate me all you want, but yes means yes. Passion is passion. Pain is pain. Pleasure is pleasure.  is .

As for Fifty Shades of Grey...

I enjoyed it while I was reading it, but I wasn't inspired.

I've known about  by becoming into Japanese culture a long time ago, ever heard of Shibari?

Well look it up ^^



So, I haven't watched the movie yet. I was hoping to have a way to go see it, being the legal age and all, but the issue is the parent...so it will be unlikely I will be able to see it and I'm sure I'm not the only one, with other obstacles and other people who also in the younger generation won't be able to see it.

But, I have read reviews that people have made, saying it was good and some was bad. Well, let's face it, the people who is making the movie will have people paid to make good reviews and there will be anti's speaking bad on purpose. Sure, there are some real ones out there, but you won't the fake from the real, unless you know the person. Best thing to do, is just listen to them all, watch the movie and judge for yourself.

Have an open mind and don't be ignorant by letting the media feed your mind that this is best thing in the world or the worst.

One Fact:  including the misconceptions of 50 Shades of Grey, Anastasia is never forced. Since when is Yes meant no? If people really believe that, they really need to get off the internet and go read some educational books, the internet is making you dumbfounded, if you believe that when someone says YES, that it is no.

As for the movie, I do believe it will be available to us and more on the internet in due time. They have to make some money now!

But, just as many other movies make their way on the internet, I'm sure Fifty Shades of Grey will too! If you find a real link, where you don't have to sign up, do surveys or pay money, please let me know and I shall do Vice Versa through a blog.

Mentioning Blogs, I am going to find a website, for my blogs and copy/paste, for like a backup, which is what I'll do for my fanfics, which will be available on wattpad soon.


Remember if you find a way to watch 50 Shades of Grey online, contact me, message me, comment meeeee~






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-novocaine 10 years ago
If you wait a couple of weeks or a month, you'll be able to watch 50 Shades on ' Putlocker ' for free.
lindir 10 years ago
People don't hate it because it's , they hate it because it promotes they're abusive relationship as a safe and healthy d/s relationship.
imbabie 10 years ago
The movie ... It was alright though the actors didn't go with the way they describe them in the book. Like Christian Grey, I imagined him someone with the body of Zack Effron, but with intense gray eyes, longish dirty-blond hair, not like the dude that came out in the movie ... Anastasia, a perfect fit would've been that girl that comes out in 500 day with Summer, SHE would've been a perfect Anastasia !!

In the movie they just basically show Anastasia fully but not Christian. I was disappointed because like why show how they & stuff but not Christian ? That was weird. Finally, it really didnt seamed like , it was just get like, lemme tie you up & you hard, nothing more, nothing less. The book wasn't that good either so I didn't expect much from the movie. I give it a 6 out of 10 stars...

Judge, IDGAF, my opinion ~ ♥
Jin_Young 10 years ago
I love and I've been into it for many years.

But this book is just horrible.
It is badly written (I don't consider myself a great writer but better than this lol).
And I wish people would stop being blind and see the abuse in this story.
It is sad to mw that they cover it up as ...
It only supports the "prejudices" in people's minds which are just not true.
Everytime I see someone mention the abuse of the story though..
people keep asking for a direct scene or something.
they don't get that the abuse is much more subtle and manipulative.
And there are just basic rules of behaviour in that Grey clearly violates and therefore just turns it into abuse.
The woman who wrote this story should have done some research first before writing such crap.
I know people should think for themselves but unfortunately a lot of young kids will believe that this is how works.

I won't go to see the movie in the theater because I don't wanna support abuse.
But I've heard that the abuse is toned down a lot in the book.
that's at least something ..cause the movie might reach out to even more people.
-BabyElf_Fan 10 years ago
I agree with everything you just said there!
YouOnlyLiveOnce 10 years ago
Also, I've been looking for a real link of the movie too, without registration and ads haha. I am too impatient. I want to watch it both on the wide screen and my own laptop haha
YouOnlyLiveOnce 10 years ago
I love the trilogy and the story too. I am into so naturally I would love this regardless of what people will say about it.
I haven't seen the movie but I badly wanted to. I am legal however, I have the same problem as you; parents.
They won't allow me to watch it alone as they are afraid of me being molested inside the movie theater. I was like, 'WTH? -_-'
anyway, the bottom line is, I love the soundtracks! 'Love me like you do' in particular.
difficultcheese 10 years ago
There are people that like the books, but I am one of those that does not. I've never read them, but my mom has read them and I work in a bookstore so I have heard enough about these books. There are parts when it is straight up abuse. Like the scene where Christian decides, oh, I don't like your car. So here is a new one. Without even asking Anastasia or anything like that and when she says that she doesn't want it, she wants her old car, he continues on and on until she gives in, manipulating her into doing what he wants. And then there's the scene where she tells Christian to stop and he continues on anyway-- when she said stop, consent was revoked.

Then there's the fact that the books are written by someone who has never had before in their life (and I can say that as someone who has never had in my 20 years of life). And if I have to hear about her muddaing goddess one more time, I swear.
calcifer 10 years ago
the movie and book portrays poorly. there is no safety and confort. lmao, in the end it just comes off as being somewhat abusive and manipulative.
MonstaExoZen 10 years ago
I stopped reading after the first scene in the book.
I don't get why people are so crazy about it.
It felt like some twelve year old wrote it xD
Idk why. It was just terrible writing to me.
I'm so tired of hearing about it. The preview play like 50 times a day. When I went to the mall the other day, I saw ads for 50 shades of grey stuff in like every store window.
Personally, I think the actor and actress they casted were kind of ugly.
If I wanted to watch a bunch of , I'd just go watch some p0rn. >.<
If it's really such a dirty movie, I think it would be pretty awkward to watch in a theater full of people.
Now if only I could sell my terrible fanfics xD
flanteisse 10 years ago
As for me, I'm pretty fine with the first volume of the series. but the ending was........ hm.
It's like the writer view in a wrong way. since if we look it from the other aspects, it's not merely . it's -SM part esp- more about psychology, state of mind ad stuffs.
I think the writer sees only at the surface.. hasn't went further into it, to look for more about it maybe? I can't say it's a bad book because I'm not an English speaker so it's not right for me to comment on it. But for the plot and content.. I think the writer needs to read some books about what really is. especially the SM part because it involves not only , but also human's personalities and state of mind.

as for shibari, I know about that~ Imma Japanese literature major and well, more or less I know about it. But somehow I view shibari more like an art rather than a simple trick.. hehehehe.. XDD
Loner_Kei 10 years ago
The series were terrible.
I'll eventually see the movie as I am too curious to see how they managed to take pure and put it on film.
I must say the Lead Actors are not what I imagined Anastasia nor Grey to be. It's quite a disappointment, because apart from the continuous scenes and repeated pleasure tactics. I enjoyed Grey's personality and not so much Anastasia.
But-- oh well.
Twilight was far better than the 50's series.
And I didn't even like Twilight.
The only reason I read the books was because it was the "thing" back then and Carlisle is still the only reason why I would watch the movies.
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