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danger days

the future is bulletproof


The Basics »

Established on: 22nd, March, 2015
Head Admin: PartyPoison
Status: We’re Open!
Population: 06
Writing Style: Detailed 1st and 3rd
Universe: AU
Rating: +16
Genre: Real Life

Updates »

Mar 30

revamped, moved, and re-opened! If we get up to 16 people soon, we'll also be having a Gossip event.

Mar 27

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Who are we? Welcome to Danger Days- this rp is made to live out the life you've always wanted- well, obviously, most are. DD is based around the everyday lives, of everyday people. Celebrities, housewives, students, you know the list goes on and on- people working their asses off to get where they want in this life. Face normal struggles; money, addiction, loss, love, friendship, and everything else that we all know goes on in this cruel, but beautiful world. We welcome you all with open arms, and hope you have a pleasant stay.

The admins

Gerard Way

Hey, and welcome, everyone. Enjoy your stay, and if you need anything, feel free to come ask- that's why we're here.

Mikey Way

Say it loud, say it proud- welcome to Danger Days!

Yukito Nishii


Haeryung Na





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