Coming out..


the past four years, I've been keeping a secret from most of my friends, and everything. Recently ive been asking cautiously, and I've lost nearly 24 'friends' because of you have a problem with what I'm about to say, just unfriend me.


My name is Reila, and I'm a 16 year old girl.

this is how I was born. Female.

The past four years, I haven't been always happy with it, and I dont always like being a girl, and sometimes I don't even like being a boy- 

im GenderFluid.

It changes.

Some days I'm Reila, and some days I'm Devyn. And some days I'm just..nothing.


If you have a problem with it..I'm not sorry.


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-FallenRose 9 years ago
Sweetie I could never judge you you are who you feel onside nothing changes you ! I love yew no matter what you are silly
-N-Y-X- 9 years ago
I would never have a problem with that, as long as your my wonderful mommy, everything perfect.
It doesn't change anything between our friendship ^_^
EXOTIC_PET 9 years ago
i have no problem with it. I think that you are a good person either way. Boy or girl hun. Nothing can change the way a friend feels about you just because you tell them that. It doesn't change my view of you. So I hope it doesn't change anyone elses.
MajoraTwilight 9 years ago
I don't understand why that would destroy a friendship :( You are who you are ^^ It takes a lot of guts I believe for someone to admit something like that, I have huge respect for people who do.

You know we'll never unfriend you no matter what <3
Little_Rebel_Leader 9 years ago
Why should such a thing destroy friendships? It's terribly sad to hear that there are people ending friendships over that...
I am mostly like that too, so I understand you quiet well. I tend more to being like a (sometimes girly) boy though than being a (most of the times boyish) girl... But as long as I am a 'girly boy' I won't ever get a chance of surgery anyway... <.< Since here in Germany you need a therapist's agreement for such surgery as far as I know... Like 'Yes, this person really is not in the right body, surgery is needed'... ToT I'd like being a boy more actually but I doubt I ever will get to that point... ToT
rprisfullofpedos 9 years ago
No matter what,you'll always be the Reila I know c:
It doesn't change a thing about our friendship. Or to others that I can see are
supporting you,just like me. Y'know I'm always here for you to talk to,although we don't talk much anymore.
RoseKpopLover 9 years ago
I am also here if you ever need someone and I support you^^.
If someone doesn't accept you, then you shouldn't care about them because they aren't true friends.
DeadPooled 9 years ago
That's actually a pretty tough thing to admit, so props on you!
I totally support you! c:
And I'm here if you ever need someone O/
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