but idk i had such a good day i had to take a selca to remember it forever
it was literally my best day in weeks because omg
jonghyun is back and he's still the same, dumb dork who he was. (AND HE GOT SO MUCH HOTTER DURING HIS HIATUS) <3 and seeing my loves (SHINee is still my no1 group) being complete again makes me really really really happy. ;;
then. exo. exo. exo. exo. exo. exo. exo.
and i guess that said everything omfg.
and omfg it seems that everything is going to be alright between me and one of the most important friends of mine, because we stopped talking a while ago, but lately we talk a lot again and omg, i'm so happy. ;;
so yeah. hai.
(some of my friends keep bugging me about how freaking huge eyes i got LIKE IT'S MY FAULT, I WAS BORN THIS WAY OK. sobs)
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