cries bc i once was cute. 102 views Authoryoungksgirl Created Apr 27, 2015 13:35:10 i mISS MY BLONDE HAIR. so much. sO MUCH- Comments You must be logged in to comment. -DaOne- 9 years ago you're kinda implying that i was never cute myself T_T ONCE hng-- asdfghjkl.... Robertisthebest 9 years ago *squishes you* god damn it so cute AND I MISS MY BLOND HAIR TOO OMG (though i love my hair now) softly 9 years ago whAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT YOU'RE 559692010 TIMES PRETTIER THAN I'LL EVER BE ; - ; exhoe12 9 years ago AWE *pinches cheeks lovingly* YOU ARE SO CUTE BAE. Once cute u mean always cute tbh. DamnBaekhyun 9 years ago "once"? ONCE!? you're kidding, right? e n e /squishes you because all the cute/ matsuoka 9 years ago bae is so pretty i cry cancel 9 years ago GTFO SMH YOU'RE SO CUTE GTFO STOP IMPLYING THAT UR UGLY Fantascape 9 years ago aALSJDFLJWLEARJLDSFLAJJAKLDJF- YOU'RE GORGEOUS LIKE OMFG I'M CERTAIN YOU STILL ARE, STAHP THIS. YOU MAKE ME SO FRUSTRATED ; A ; *flails* d3ece06891fead6d82ef 9 years ago oMYGOD YOU HAVE SUCH PRETTY EYES AND YOU CAN TAKE PRETTY SELCA'S I CAN'T EVEN--- when people look at me their eyes probably burn e u e; temerity 9 years ago yOURE SO PHOTOGENIC POUNCES ON AND HUGS TIGHT AND CODDLES Log in to view all comments and replies
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