Anyone want to PM RP?


I have some plots for certain themes I would really like to try. There's more then one plot idea for most. I will share the plots with anyone interested. Just let me know what you're looking at. Here's the list in no particular order.


Supernatural (TVshow)


DC universe




Yes Twilight, sparkly vamps aside I like the vampire characters..except Edward. I really like the werewolves to. SO yeah.

K-pop I can do MxM or MxF. 

Angst, tigger-warning, fluff, romance, , drama, happy and anything really goes. 


I also have something in mind that can be kpop or not kpop. It's dark themed. If interested I can pm the info. (Trigger warning plot)


Also looking at doing one FxF rp. That's it. FxF isnt my thing but I thought of a plot for a specific anime and couple. Let me know if interested more then one person can comment and I'll pick somebody.


I am able to play male and femlae characters. 


Please comment or PM me.


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MetoChan 9 years ago
What anime(s) are you into?
oracle 9 years ago
i'm down for a mxm roleplay.
i'm interested in the dark themed
plot as well.
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