Grand Opening: The Circus of Dreams


At RoleplayRepublic

circus of dreams



An experience of a life time ...»

A time in between dusk and dawn is a special time. When 'The Night Circus' appears as the locals call it. It does not open until after sunset. Where magic and reality meet and intertwine with the other. Nobody knows how or even why it is here, then, in a second the minute the sun began to rise poof. Gone. No trace of it nor any of the performers. The people waited and waited for years upon years for it to return but it never had. But now that it's made it's grand appearance, the same excitement fills the air once more. Now, a new generation of performers from around the globe take part to truly make this an unforgettable experience that you'll always remember.


The Basics »

Established on: 06/8/15
Head Admin: RoseEcho
Status: We are open
Population: 05
Writing Style: Para to Multi Para
Universe: AU
Rating: Pg-13 at the most
Genre: Fantasy

Updates »

June *date*

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Mar 27

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Who are we?

"The circus is just around the corner everyone! I do sincerely hope you all have a grand experience-Jackson Kang


Admin: Message


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