Big Hero 6 rp

Status [M]
Tags bighero6 

Anyone want to inbox rp with my friend?

She's dying to do a Hidashi (Hiro x Tadashi) rp

Yes, it's , and it's wrong, but it's soooo cute xD

She's willing to be either or them, and she does 1st and 3rd pov

Plus she's super nice and cool ♥


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BBVIPBaby 9 years ago
Omg omg omg, yes yes yes!
RoseEcho 9 years ago
*grabby hands* They're so cute *^* ....I'd do this in a heartbeat but is just not something I can do .////.
CallMeCaptin 9 years ago
I can do it~
Skatergirl 9 years ago
Me!!!! I'll do it
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