I don't really know but I've been in the rping mood to try out some straight rps. I mean I've tried it before but it usually ends off in me always being the boy and never the girl and also countless amounts of that gets no where [and it also becomes just a bit boring too.] . So if anyone is interested in rping with me, send me a pm or any link to an active roleplay.
I prefer:
- detailed 1st pov
- 0% angst
- minimum of ic drama
- no godmodding/messing up the plot
- 50% of / 50% of fluff
- winging it is VERY acceptable if no plot is provided
- I won't be picky about activeness
- I'll be available on the weekends mostly
I've been wanting to rp as these ladies for quite awhile:
- Goo Hara
- Sunny
- Tiffany
- Hyerin
- Euaerin
- Seulgi
- Seohyun
- Bomi
- Sera
and for males:
- Kyungsoo
- Xiumin [again]
- Tao [again]
- Jonghyun
- Jhope
- Taehyung/V
- Chen
- Jr
- Jackson
- Rap Monster
AUs are acceptable but it depends on the AU since I have my favorites
NON AUs are fine as well and I won't be picky about being realistic.
And I'll try to think of some plots that I would like to try, or just little snippets but eh,I'll leave this here for now
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