Character Deleting Feels


I feel really really guilty because lately, I've just been going through my characters and deleting them. Like I know that people leave roleplays for so many personal reasons but I feel guilty that I just left because I was bored, or because the place was simply super dead. 

I feel a little bad though whenever I press the leave character button because then I have to leave a note saying something along the lines of: 

"Sorry but ______ had to leave... orz " 


Going through this whole ordeal makes me feel bad ^^;

Does anyone else feel this way when they leave a roleplay? (Unless its for personal reasons like bullying, face chasing, or someone making you feel uncomfortable)


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peach94 9 years ago
Oh, for sure. I end up just abandoning them instead because official goodbyes stress me out! It'd probably be better to actually 'leave' though.

I usually leave because a) it's dead b) everyone's talking ooc or one liner-ing or c) the people I'm roleplaying with aren't replying anymore.
RoseEcho 9 years ago
Don't mind me but I feel the same after I leave an rp ^^;

I know there's obviously no set rule that once you join an rp you can never leave, but I can't help but feel some guilt when I do. No bullying has never happened of course-maybe some OOC drama but not bullying, but I do sometimes feel a little left out I guess during roleplays.

There was one gang rp I joined previously as a paranormal investigator: I was so beyond nervous that I was afraid no one would talk to me because my character was American rather than some form of Asian decent you know? So I ended up leaving because of my nerves orz....

sometimes doesn't it? Guilt I mean ^^;
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