This Mary Sue/Gary Stu 'Obsession'


Mary sue/gary stu.

I'm sure we all know what these terms are right? A character that's either unbelievably perfect to the point he/she isn't at fault for anything, everyone praises him/her even if they're a female dog or complete a-hole. Maybe stronger than a canon character *but I don't count this actually to be honest though that's just me* etc etc.

However, I think some people are...I don't know, at least on DeviantArt a little TOO obsessed with mary sues and gary stus. We get it.

They're not the best around and can be cringe worthy to read, but you know...some authors aren't looking to write realistic characters or draw realistic ones. Some people just draw and or write for fun. To get away from reality. I don't believe constructive criticsm is a horrible thing mind you, I welcome it. But some people tend to confuse bashing as being 'blunt' or 'real'. There's a HUGE *no reference to Donald Trump what so ever there*, difference between giving helpful advice for someone's OC and then there's being an .

Like this: "I think your OC has a lot of kinks you need to work out. For starters, the name doesn't really fit with the universe nor their power/ability. If you just fix this, this and this up your OC will be much more likeable and easy to understand better."

You see? (Poor example probably since I'm far from a critique ha!) Doesn't that sound helpful compaired to...this?

"What the am I reading? Your OC is the most disturbing 'thing' I've ever come across. Repulsive! You should give up on writing/drawing. Plus, having a canon character as a love interest is a dead give a way for mary sue/gary stu. Make them a loner instead loser!"


I've seen comments like the 'rude' one before and I can't help but wonder how the creator could possibly feel recieving such (again another fail example orz but you get it) comments. Maybe the person is living a horrible life and this is one escape to make something fun and or ridiculous to make themselves feel better and laugh or something. We don't know what's going on behind the computer/phone screen.

Again, I'm not dissing constructive criticsm in the slightest you know?

And I know one post isn't going to change people's minds either, you're free to think however you wish. Just sharing my own thoughts on the subject is all :shrugs:


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WascallyWabbit 9 years ago

Omfg, I've gotten so sick of seeing them... Even in RPR.
People can make such basic charries these days... These perfect girls that are only described as "good", "sweet", "kind", "beautiful", "smart"--- nothing else. No substance... If anything, they think their only 'imperfection is being hella . orz #thirsty Like--- Dafuq? And these hot, daring, dastardly intelligent men who've had it all and forever get what they want...

What happened to the 'quirks'? The flaws and the set-backs? What happened to sicknesses they're battling? Addictions and bad histories (and not those used to garner pity from other people)... What happened to struggles?!? Lol. I dunno...
Idontlikeyou 9 years ago
98% of todays society can't take constructive criticsm.
Okay, I was bullting that number, but seriously, don't mind them.
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