EXO at the Airport!

Tags exo 

The situation at Changsha airport is so bad, many fans fell and Lay and Luhan actually shouted.

At Changsha a fan fell, security pushed her, Lay got mad and shouted "Why did you push her!!! Can't you see that she fell !!!"

Even though boys were near the car they couldn't get in, Chanyeol and Tao were rly unhappy. When they arrived they were happy but the moment they stepped outside, their expressions changed and luhan was fuming mad

Luhan and Lay very angry and was standing in front of the car door and saying "don't squeezing" loudly. (cr: Beyami)

Chanyeol fell, Kai covered his eyes, Tao and Sehun both looked angry and Lay, Tao and Luhan were yelling for fans to stop.

Luhan was protecting Baekhyun the whole way ;; Lay got pushed so Luhan got mad and he and Lay actually yelled for the first time.

EXO didn't go by VIP. Though Tao was pushed really hard, he turned around to pull Sehun who was far behind to board the car together.

source : fb


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GiveAReason 11 years ago
man , really :c
supergenerationfans 11 years ago
Omg... Those fans..
No offense but seriously?
skycrawler93 11 years ago
OMG!!!! this is bad!!!
-effervescent 11 years ago
oh gosh...
are there videos??
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