Gomennasai/ Minahamnida!!!


I'm really sorry I've been gone for so long!  I didn't mean to just drop off the face of the earth like that.

I've been really busy cause my sister started all this bull by running off to my  dad's and trying to live with him so she could be with her "fiance".  She's freaking 15 and she's gotten in trouble with this guy like 6 times already. -.- So I've been having to meet with my mom's attorney and go to court and stuff to testify again my dad.  Because of her bull, I have two pairs of grandarents hating me, plus my dad, but I don't give a about him he's already disowned me twice, so he's pretty much dead to me.  My family Christmas was ruined because of all the drama, and even though I gave my dad, my step mom, my dad's mom and her husband, and my dad's dad and his wife presents, I only ended up getting something from my dad's mom in return XD Shows how much they love me lol

Anyways, college has also started back up, and it's horrible.   I have to take all the english and math classes I've been putting off, plus I have Critial Thinking which is AWFUL! And a computer programing class.

I'm trying to get around to replies.  I have to go to court again in February (which is also my birthday month) cause my dad didn't even show up last time, and I already have a ton of class work, but I'll try to keep up with replies like I used to.  I feel really bad for leaving you guys hanging like that ;;  Just please be a bit patient with me... Thanks! 

Here have a random Cielfie



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flightofdeath 9 years ago
That sounds horrible ;;;;;;;;
I'm sorry you guys are going throught that

Dat cielfie tho e u e dayum
RoseEcho 9 years ago
Holy @__@ Oh gosh if my sister did that....yeah words cannot describe how ticked I would be with her. But lovely to see you back! And an equally lovely selfie <3
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