Shipping Game (Haven't done this in a while. Stolen from an AFF user)



Answer the following questions in your own blog, and the people reading this can comment which K-Pop Idol they would ship you with based on these descriptions. (These questions are created after carefully studying the shipping game requests on Tumblr. They're very legit.)



Age: 23 going on 24

Height: 5"7

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Dark Brown


Nicknames: (Names your friends have given you perhaps?)

-Mocha. It was a nickname someone I knew quite well gave me years ago on Fanfiction.Net X3 We knew each other in reality, never talked much though but when we started getting to know one another she came up with it. Not sure how it fits but I like it

-Rose. My online alias I'm not entirely comfortable giving my full name and I do love roses so...thus this came to be

-Echo. Just another nickname based off my RPR and Twitter name


Describe yourself (Max. 5 sentences):

-I am very reserved. I don't usually crack jokes or anything like that so when I do people are sometimes shocked

-Horrid at giving advice especially with relationships-if you're having a problem I will listen of course but I try to stay clear of giving any tips ha

-I love anything historical or paranormal. Historical as in past events rather than recent ones.

-I'm a major bookworm. If there's a book that looks interesting I'll do what I can to buy it (books are crazy expensive anymore ;;

-Not much of a video gamer honestly but I do play some such as Zelda and Kingdom Hearts *^* These games were such a huge part of my childhood like many other fans <3 Hate Majora's Mask though Zelda wise XD And...I'm rambling sorry heh


Hobbies: Reading, Going for walks, playing Kingdom Hearts when I have time, making posters/wallpapers on Photoshop Elements, drawing occasionally

Special Skills: Writing...not sure what else really


Just something I did out of fun ^-^ Think of the first person that comes to mind. And although it says Kpop idol, with me personally it does not have to be Kpop specifically



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