Well, this morning I started getting sick and there was blood and burning in my belly for at least 2 days so of course I started having a panic attack. My husband had the foresight to call home from work and wake up my mother in law who found me and called an ambulance then grabbed my anxiety meds to help calm me down while we waited. *sigh*
Needless to say I am readmitted and here till at least the 14th. I do have my laptop and wifi but I'm also currently on a literal pain med PUMP (who knew these lil guys existed and WHY didn't I know!) and some other stuff that can make me sleepy and goofy so, please PLEASE bare with me guys. I'm hoping this time won't be has hard as the last but so far other than pumping me full of meds and fluids plus the basic ER blood tests, they haven't even started running tests or scans yet. *sigh*
I am in the process of replies right now and will try to get everything answered back to RP, PM, and wall. Thanks for being understanding guys.
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