Home Again Explination & Update o.O

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Hi All,

  Sorry for just sort of disappearing I'm sure you all think something horrible happened and well for me kind of but it isn't bad bad just it was difficult. I was released Tuesday night only 2 hours after being taken off the morphine pump I was on in hospital... sent home with NO pain medication at all. So a week on every 30 minute morphine dispense to COLD TURKEY. o.O Don't ask me, I'm not a doctor! But I can say that I HURT. ing everywhere about 4 hrs later and the longer I went the worse it got.

  48 hours later when I was still without pain medication, and because my hospital GI doctor hadn't understood how to write a prescription and thus left off the DOSE to give me... no I'm not joking... the pharmacy hadn't been able to fill the most important medication I NEED to be on to get better. The medicine allowing my body to process food but still allow my pancreas to rest and it was 9pm Thursday before I could get the issue fixed

  Yup, so by Friday when I could get into see my primary care physician (PCP) I was just DONE. I'd been in the hospital twice in three weeks, had a thankfully now cured intestinal virus - two cracked ribs - pancreatitis - iron and potassium levels that were 'dangerously low' and now fractured my left foot in THREE places!!! By then my belly was on fire again and I was not doing well in the pain management department. So I had mostly been curled up in bed crying or being sick. I saw my PCP and he's settled things down getting me Tylenol-3 (thank God it's not as strong as morphine! That fall did not feel good. Advice if your doctor ever puts you on something like that DEMAND they have a plan to nurse you off it. Because it is NOT healthy to do it the way this hat did me) liquid iron because what was prescribed to me the pill form (despite giving it to me IV and in liquid form in hospital) were part of what was causing me so much tummy pain... and nausea medication that dissolves under my tongue so I won't be trying to combat puking by trying to swallow PILLS!!! <-- just what moron thought that was a good idea btw?!

  So all in all I have basically been too miserable to be of any use to myself let alone anyone else. I'm starting to finally feel better and keep food down. I should have all my meds by Monday and then I will be good to go back at least at 89% LOL I am trying to work on replies now. I have tabs open to the various rooms I owe replies to but to be sure I don't miss anyone if you are worried please, PLEASE in the room as a reply to my last post there so that it will land in my replies and I can be sure not to forget it. *hugs & kisses*


Love you guys, Thank you for your understanding and caring!!!








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Bowrair 9 years ago
dude....*_* /how r u still worrying about something as insignificant as replying?!/ <---sometimes I dun get this...
Jhopeexoticvip 9 years ago
Okay so I think it's safe to say that the people you dealt with are mostly idiots! Who does that to someone, especially a doctor. I'm just glad to hear your PCP was competent enough to fix the problem. I'm really sorry you've been in so much pain though. I've been really worried about you. Glad to hear you are getting better, but you need to rest. Stop worrying about replies love.
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