To Those that I RP With

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So, at that start of this week, I will be mostly MIA. I have a bunch of work I need to catch up on as well as work that is due this week. My workload is more than usual, right now, unfortunately. 

Also, spring season for my sport, Crew/Rowing, will offically start on Monday and I am a very important member that is needed on the water all the time. We will be getting out later which means less HW time and less RP time.

I will try to be back by the end of the week but my replies will be selective until then. 

Please bare with me, I'll be back to normal soon!



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chabyeol88 8 years ago
That's alright I understand
I have a field visit next week and this week is for the prep, so yeah, my respond wouldn't be as frequent as before, sorry. But I'll get back to you somehow.
Good luck in your work
Bowrair 8 years ago
Good luck! I'm just as busy lol...orz Spring break's coming tho! YUSS...! #NotSomeoneYouRpWithTho XD
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