Omegaverse PM RP?

Status [M]
Tags pmrp 

I am desperately looking for someone who wants to RP Omegaverse with me!

- I will play the Omega

I will probably play Key as an Omega, or Taemin. 
I don't have any preference for who you play. 
Please have some knowledge of how it works.. 

If you're looking for a PM RP that's NOT Omegaverse, 
Hit me up. 
i'm bored and I am looking for interesting people to RP with. 
Send me plots or whatever. 

Third & First are both welcome, just not one liners. 

I only do .


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Falsehope 8 years ago
i like details so if you like it then rp with me
xShana95x 8 years ago
I do 3rd pov para and I would be interested to rp with you. I've a few omegaverse plots I want to do actually.
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