" freedom of speech "


okay so i got in a little argument with someone over the internet. specifically youtube. i was watching a video of Chandler Wilson, an agender, and a lot of people in the comment section were saying that they(Chandler– they kind of prefer being called as they/them pronouns as they're agender) are experiencing a mental illness and that agender does not exist. some were giving off pure hate on them. me, as a part of an lgbtqa community, that's hurtful and i went off by commenting:


" so much transphobia and ignorant people in the comment section smh... i dont get why y'all waste your time commenting on a video you dont like *smirk emoticon* get off the video if you're going to be an ignorant jerk. this video is meant to educate those who are willing to listen, not for you to preach your hurtful nonsense. "


so i made my point. now somebody replied to me and told me that:

" let the people do what they want. if you say it's a waste of their time then that's your opinion, but as an American citizen, we have rights and they are exercising their freedom of speech just as you are, it's constructed criticism, and i think that you just wasted your time with this comment, let them do what they want, you can't stop them from speaking so why try? "


well he(im guessing the person is a guy bc of the name, im not going to put it here for privacy reasons) has a point, i can't stop people from spreading hate, but it does NOT hurt to try. and i specifically italized contructed criticism in his comment.

now i searched what contructed criticism means( i already know what it means but i had to search it for the purpose of making it clear ) and this is what internet gave me: 

Constructive criticism is the process of offering valid and well-reasoned opinions about the work of others, usually involving both positive and negative comments, in a friendly manner rather than an oppositional one. The purpose of 'constructive criticism is to improve the outcome.


i do not know if the person took his time to look at the comment section itself, but the comments about Chandler was NOT constructive criticism. telling somebody that their gender is a mental illness in a very rude way, is not a valid and well-reasoned opinion. most definitely not friendly, and it does not improve anything AT ALL.

then the person told me "freedom of speech" right? so i don't argue with their rights, that's their right, who am i to judge right? so i searched freedom of speech and why was it made.


freedom of speech meant the right to express one's opinions without censorship or restraint.


so yeah, the one had a right to do say that- but NOO i read futher and yes, i went on to read the law about freedom of speech because i was so pissed and i want to protect Chandler or anyone receving hate for things they shouldnt be getting it from. it says that freedom of speech did have restrictions, and these are:

"Governments restrict speech with varying limitations. Common limitations on speech relate to libelslanderobscenityographyseditionincitementfighting wordsclassified informationcopyright violationtrade secretsnon-disclosure agreementsright to privacyright to be forgottenpolitical correctnesspublic securitypublic orderpublic nuisancecampaign finance reformperjury, and oppression."


get that last one? OPPRESSION. and freedom of speech was made for people to fight for their beliefs and to stand up for their community, not for someone to step on another person, or make fun of them. why can't people use their freedom of speech in the right way? have they not been taught that the right they were given had restrictions?

i am not an American citizen, that's obvious, i do not even know if the law is present here in my country, but i do know that it is not right to hate on somebody for something they are not meant to be hated. 

the misuse of "freedom of speech" and "constructive criticism" is such a common problem, and it's sad that not a lot of people are educated about this. please use your right for good, because you're definitely wasting it.


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RoseEcho 8 years ago
I do believe in the right of free speech without a doubt: Don't mind me by the way. But when people make rude or even hateful comments towards a specific person(s) that's really not free speech. That's just being a bully and cruel person.

I personally don't have a desire to have any time soon as an example, yet if you say that when someone asks they look at you like you're...an alien or something. You know?

Like my grandma and my mom always tell me though. There are some people you need and some you don't in your life. People like ones you've talked to are ones you don't need in your life.
pixels 8 years ago
i always laugh when people bring up the whole freedom of speech thing. like yeah, you can say what you want, doesn't mean it's right, but all the freedom of speech thing means is the government can't immediately imprison you or punish you for it depending on what was said. and even when you tell them that, they STILL don't want to listen. rather than get a headache from an argument with an , i just walk away. part of me still feels like trying to convince them of something sometimes, but why waste my time?
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