[personal] postpostscript



tO FOLLOW UP ON MY MOM'S SURGERY, SHE'S DOING REALLY WELL! SHE WAS IN AND OUT OF SURGERY REALLY QUICK, and now she's home. this woman usually never sleeps in, and today she's knocked out even till now (almost eleven o'clock in the morning).
recovery is going to be a multi-stage process, starting with several days of extracare when moving, and sitting comfortably when she can't lie down. the aim is to keep her abdominal muscles as inactive as possible (but its not realistic, in practice, especially with someone who likes being as busy as she usually is. i'm glad she gets this time to relax, stop worrying about work. and i have the weekend off by some miracle, so I get to spend it with her. thank you all, once more, for the love and support.


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pixels 8 years ago
i'm glad the surgery went well, sug! hopefully she's have a speedy recovery! i wish you guys all the best!
629c589979530b4f5cab 8 years ago
Aquaman 8 years ago
ayee congrats! if it's not weird, tell your mom that i'm proud of her and i hope she recovers quick! eue
glitterassgaysparkly 8 years ago
I hope she recovers really fast darling! <3 all of the moms really need a break sometimes!
bigsadenergy 8 years ago
I'm glad it all went well! Now you get to play the role of a mom! Boss her around to make sure she doesn't do anything to harm her surgery opening or the procedure. E u E
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