1. ual Orientation: Single
2. What I'm really bad at: Acting, cooking, lying
3. The one person who's arms I'd like to be in: ... a boys? idek. o A o
4. A best first date: Something really carefree, but romantic for example like something really simple strolling around the park or beach. The company's the important.
5. A description of my self-esteem: From 1-5, my self-esteem is 3, but most of the time it can be lower than that, but even with a small compliment it can go over three.
6. Who my best friends are: Diana's my true best friend, but then there's loads of very good friends, who you might be one of them. (´◠ω◠`)
7. My favourite book: I don't read much books.
8. Biggest turn offs: s and simply boys with no sense of good manners and have a huge ego.
9. A description of my best friend: Smart, Bookworm, A student, Well behaved, Helpful, Friendly and positive.
10. My favourite animal: Dogs
11. Someone I miss: ... Do I have to answer?
12. The reason behind my last brake up: been single for 16 years of my life and will forever stay that way.
13. My favourite songs right now: EXO's My Lady and Baby don't cry & Hnery's Trap
14. What I find attractive in the preferred : Laugh, personality, good sense of humor, caring and sweet personality and of course a big . (◕‿◕✿)
15. The one place I want to be right now: In Seoul, stroll around the city around the beautiful cherry blossoms.
16. The meanest thing anyone has ever said to me: Maybe when my ex crush told my friend that I was disgusting and that he never wanted to be in touch with me. Yeah, that stung a bit.
17. What I want to be when I get older: A flight attendant.
18. Two of my insecurities: My legs and . (┳Д┳)
19. What I would do if I won the lottery: well first off; PRAISE THE LORD. ヽ( ゚ ヮ゚ )ノ omfg, I don't know.. I'd be probably start thinking in what I should use this and then just roll in the money, k. #normal
20. What I love most about myself: My eyes.
21. My biggest pet peeves: When people ask dumb questions, People asking the same question even if the teacher had said it a second ago, people coughing or sneezing in to my face and when they throw trash on the ground (ー△ー;)
22. Most traumatic experience: When I saw an up close photo of a fly.. Yeah.
23. The nicest thing anyone's ever said to me: When Judith told me I was the most amazing person she had met.
24. What I can hear right now: Cars.
25. Something I've wished for repeatedly: When I was little, I wished for an ice cream machine. Never got that. (╯︵╰,)
26. What words upset me the most: Death, Brakeup, Suicide.
27. What I hate most about myself: I say the wrong things at the wrong time.
28. My relationship with my parents: I've became really close with my mom recently due to kpop. Me and my dad's relationship is the usual; we do joke around time to time, but sometimes I may snap at him.
29. Last time I cried really hard: Yesterday I did cry, but when I cried really hard was two or three days ago.
30. Do you believe in long distance relationship: Yes, why not?
31. What you ate today: I ate a banana protein yogurt for breakfast
32. Something you always think "what if..." about: What if I was rich
33. Your fears: Flies, talking in front of people and loosing someone special.
34. Something I miss: .. Wasn't this question earlier?
35. Somewhere you'd like to move or visit: Seoul and Los Angeles.
36. One thing you're excited for: Going to London on August.
37. What bugs you most about your generation: The fact that how superficial people are now a days and how important is how you look like, dress like, act like. It's like no one can be themselves now a days.
38. Describe your clothing style: Preppy, simple, modern and comfortable.
39. Do you think it's better to have a few close best friends or to have a lot of acquaintances: Few close best friends, because if you have a lot of friends, but no best friends who do you talk to? At least for me personally I can't go to some girl I met couple of times and cry about how had it is to insert a tampon. (っ゚Д゚;)っ
40. Are you more social or independent: Independent. I enjoy being alone and having my own space.
41. What was the hardest and most fearful thing you have faced in your lifetime: Probably when Judith passed away. I had always imagined what would happen if someone close to me passed away, but I never knew it would happen to me or at least this soon. Even though I never saw her or got to spend more than one month of time with her, she had became incredibly close to me in such a short period of time and I can't even believe what people who were far closer to her than me felt after her loss. It was just a harsh month for me and I didn't and still don't know how to deal with emotions and situations like that. It scared me.
42. What colour underwear I'm wearing right now: uhm.. well this is awkward. asdfghj black. (。・//ε//・。)
43. How I feel right now: I'm in a ok mood. Not super bubbly or depressed just.. neutral.
44. Last song I listened to: EXO's My lady. Pure eargasm.
45. 3 Habits I have: Pushing my tongue to my cheek like Sunny does, always saying "what?", forgetting things.
46. Something I fantasise about: Meeting my internet friends someday and do a lot of funny things together.
47. A confession: I WEIGHT- /shot
48. What I did yesteday: I stayed home the whole day except in the morning I went to the post office and grocery shopping with mom.
49. Something I'm talented at: Maybe learning dances quite quickly or that I have a good sense of rythym, lol.
50. 3 Things that make me happy: Friends, Family and food.
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