• busy for a few days •

Tags busy 

Hey lovelies!

I just wanted to let yoy guys know I wont be on for a few days!

I am hosting a Halloween Cosplay Party and then I need to get into nanowrimo (writing a Haikyuu Space Au ;) ) and as the peeps are starting over I can only start in the evening of 1st November if at all!

So I think I'll reply to all of you around the 2nd November at the latest! :*

I will be checking in from time to time anyways so if there is anything important or so you can always hit me up here or on my kkt (my id is tatori, I think?)

Love you guys! <3


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Nyx_Dragneel 8 years ago
Sounds fun have a good time
And best of luck with nanowrimo
Cheery45 8 years ago
sounds fun!
be safe ^^
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