sometimes i f-ing hate my friends ... still love them tho :))))


after more than 24 hourse of work (yeah i work like crazy those days to earn money for my family for holydays ..i know, i have no life :))) .. ) i got back home and droped on the bed almost having a when i felt the bed under me :)))) ... i closed my eyes and i was KO in the next minute ... after a hour my friend asked , i didnt heard the phone at first but the 2nd time she succeeded in waking me up , i answered and she wasnt dorky as usual , she was very serious and i asked her if she is ok and she said no , and told me she has some problems and if i can lend her some money , ofc i told her yes imidiatly i mean for me she is like family for me along with few other people we created a group of friends and practicly grew up together so ofc i didnt hesitate and told her yes ... i asked her how much and tbh the amount of money she said she needed wasnt that small ... not at all :))) but even so i told her ok. dont get me wrong i did saved money for my familly latelly but if i have to chose between spending my christmas with my mom and having all and stuff and helping her , someone that is like my own sister ... well i rather eat ing crackers and drink only water for both christmas and new year..... besides my mom would kill me if i woudnt help her :))) she literally loves her more than me :)) thing which i dont mind at all, she deserves it.

so i ended up sending her the money, once she had the money in her account she called me and said , thank you... this year you send them faster than last year ... and started to laugh... then i fking realised.. i remembered she did the same last year as well pranking me and i ended up beeing a fool two years in a row :))))) ... she did send me back my money tho .... cant wait till next year when she will do the same and i will again fall for it :)))))


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