I'm so ing frustrated


My mom has been telling me she would take me to the gym for what 3 ing weeks now and we have yet to go and she knows I'm crazy about my weight and how much i gain or lose. It was a holiday yesterday and i ate and drank and i feel a little fat today and i wanma work off everything i ate yesterday so i went to ask if we could go and she caught an attitude then my dumb uncle had to say some oh how i make people feel bad and i shouldn't lose any more weight and i look fine. I'm sick of people telling me that they think i look fine but what about me? It's my body and i want it to look a certain way but i can't get anywhere if I'm constantly delayed and denied. Then she wonders why i break down and start crying and stop eating. I'm going ing crazy i just want to die sometimes atleast then I'll be happy.


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sanzaru 8 years ago
hey sweetheart, i know this isn't quite the point but if weight gain is so serious of an issue to you, i recommend that you check out veganism on youtube - there's a huge, lovely community on youtube. don't bother with the idiotic drama part, just watch people like happyandhealthy96, bonnyrebecca, sweetsimplevegan, supremebanana and all.

i know it sounds crazy, but give it a try and i promise that done right, the vegan lifestyle will make you feel so good about your body, without having to monitor your eating and going to the gyn to work things off. at the very least, watch their videos just to absorb some of their positive energy!! i know they definitely helped me tons (:
exhoe12 8 years ago
this sounds like a disorderd way of thinking.
2ad302e2eb37f1355f7e 8 years ago
Maraudersgirl 1 hour ago Reply
you do realize that you can work out at home as well, right?

If you want to look a certain way then maybe you should figure out ways where you can do it yourself without having to ask to go to the gym? Seriously walk to the gym, take the bus to the gym-- and if your parents are strict then jog around your neighbourhood or your house. The gym isn't your only option and you can find lots of tools around your house to help you work out. Ex: jump rope, water bottle, chair, etc. I'm not trying to be rude, but if you hate being delayed and denied, then you should adapt to a new way where you won't get delayed or denied. Obviously your mother will never take you to the gym so do something about it.
lily_p 8 years ago
you do realize that you can work out at home as well, right? you just need a bit space, some music and voila ~
and those work outs are just as effective as if you were to go to the gym.
-2fckd 8 years ago
Please just make sure that your body image goals are realistic and healthy. If you want to lose weight and be healthy the right way, then right on! I don't want to see anyone so desperate that it turns into body dysmorphia or an eating disorder. You can always start with going to a local pool or your own if you have one - or start walking to do light workouts when she won't take you :^) (plus, swimming is a great, healthy way to get fit without stressing your knees and joints on running if you're not used to running and being active, great starter!)
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