To all peeps that want to make a rp or owns one


If your gonna make an rp that has rules to follow
1. Make sure the rules are actually being followed
2.follow your own rules
3.don't get all sad and emotional when someone leaves and says something negative about the rp just know it was partially your fault because couldn't do your duty as an admin

Yeah yeah you have a life i know and understand that do you oo but if your there during the times and you see that one of your like 18 rules aren't being followed let that person know

One rule that almost every rp has its no face chasing or cliches or biased replies

But tell me why cliches are everywhere? Excluding people and ignoring people? Tell me why when somones bias appears that person automatically gets spot light? I don't want to hear the oh well he's my bias so what? When i see someone i was wishing for yeah i talk to him/her but i also talk to others that i was originally talking to. The biased replies omg everyone hate these well some of us are hypocrites.

We hate biased replies yet we do it ourselves. We let peoples replies get buried just so we can reply to the person we really really wanna rp with then when the person asks you why haven't you replied you give the "oh i was busy" you were busy but you were replying to other people? Tf?

Anyway exscuse my rant and my opinions


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citylights 8 years ago
preach it gurl
-golgi 8 years ago
I feel you all the way.
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