s o it's last period, which is my band class and i already finished my playing checkin or w/e, and i was sitting in the hall with my two friends. one friend i've know for liiiiiiiiike 6 years now, the other almost 4 years rip so we know each other in and out and are pretty open with each other's personal lives.
this includes love lives sadly : " ) so the friend i've known the longest already knows that i have a s/o and such and after pLENTY of days of yelling at me down the hall "sHOW ME WHAT SHE ING LOOKS LIKE." i showed her- sorry babe, but she's like semi-obsessed with how cute you are. she's the only friend i have who identifies as straight and she's oBSESSed i'm s o r r y
my other friend today was like "wTF SHOW ME WHY" and ofc i'm gonna gush and show my baby off, it's just in m e to be that kind of gf to be like "loOK SHE'S ING ADORABLE FIGHT ME."
so i have one friend going "a w w wwww what the hell hOw" and one friend saying "rIGHT??? LOOK AT THIS SO DAMN CUTE I'M STRAIGHT BUT STILL, HOW HOT."
: " " " " ) istg privacy ain't a thing, but it's aight bc she is really cute w h e e z e s
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