dafuq ? :)))) i can't understand some people at all


earlier this day i posted a blog about jiyeon's solo comback beeing delayed because of hwayoung and her sister and whatever the stupid things i said there
then i posted this on facebook , that was also posted by others on both facebook and twitter ... actually i did took it from twitter myself so that's that .... man , i just denied there all the haters who ware about to say i stole that picture ..... can't have people acuse you of stealing pictures if you already confessed , eh ? am i right ? :))
anyway this is the picture i was talking about

now you might wonder.... dafuq's hyoyoung o_O? and what she wants ... well hyoyoung aparently is hwayoung's twin sister ... BOOM , drama plot , take a director , few actors and actresses and let's make a tv drama out of it :)) ... no, now letting my retardism(?) aside ...is that even a word ? i dont ing know :))... i posted the picture ... WHO I TOOK IT FROM TWITTER ... :)) ... on facebook ... and among some very nice people who told me to off, kill myself , stick a knife in my eye , drink bleach and so on ,you know , the usual nice people of the internet ... there was someone who was actually pretty upset that i posted that picture and told me to .... " stop bullying hwayoung and her sister you up... " at first i tought it's the usual troll about her , you know ... whenever there's news about her showing what else she ed up this time there are people trolling saying stop bullying her ... jokes ... so i tought it was that type of person ... then i saw this person actually getting into a pretty serious comment fight in the reply section with some other persons and it got me thinking ....
you have a person A who clearly threatens person B calling her names and so on ... a person C (me in this case) ... funny cuz my name starts with C .... o_O ....nevermind .... and you have a person C who shows up that person A was threatening person B and you go tell person C to off and stop bulying person A that was bullying person B in the first place ...

that ... is actually pretty ing confussing .... 
ok so tehniclly the dude called me a up for showing how hwayoung's sister was threatning Ahreum ... there ... that's actually better

and now i really don't understand why that dude got so worked up when i posted that picture :))) why people like that even exist ? i mean srsly
it's like you see someone killing other person , cops shows up to arrest him and you're like dude chill , why you're bullying the poor man :)))))

that's ed up man, sometimes humanity it's too much for me :))


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