

I've written so many blogs these past few days, but damn, I just cant get it off my chest. 


I just hate being the one who always has to say sorry. I hate being the one who has to beg for forgiveness. I hate being the one who always has to understand. Can't I be the one who doesn't have to suffer for once? Its not that Im complaining for a petty little argument, I mean, I understand if this happens to me every once in a while, but it just so happens to be, that I have to ing be in that position every damn ing time! Can't I just be understood for once?! I'm so tired of having to put up with everybody's . I. Am. ing. Sick. And. Tired. Of. It. this . I'm out. 


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imtoogayforthis 7 years ago
If you need anyone to vent to, im always here of course.
Pressdeletus 7 years ago
KittyBinnie 7 years ago
I know what you mean.. it to always be the one caving in ;-;
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