
Tags hospital 


I am also back in the hospital! :(

I have had nausea and liquid BMs since LAST Tuesday, thus ended up in the ER on Saturday and admitted for observation. Sunday I fell and hit my head in the hospital room bathroom, but they still released me to home... I then got dizzy and fell in the den at home too. After that, I thought it safest to lay in bed. I fell asleep and when I woke up I had fallen out of bed and my husband was over me because I'd had a grand maul (big) seizure. Then I had a series of Simple seizures (the small kind) and was taken by ambulance to a DIFFERENT hospital. I've been in here ever since Sunday night with my symptoms not subsiding and with my scans saying weirdness, some docs say nothing to see here move along, other's say they see shadows that could BE something, and one said I had another intussusception (when part of the intestine telescopes into itself). They did an EGD (scope down the throat/tummy/small intestine) and took some biopsies but didn't see anything serious. So now we're looking for a transfer to a major hospital in Houston's Down Town Medical Center (one thing I love about my city... we have the largest and most advanced medical source in the world... and rate #1 or #2 in almost every field!) For a person with bariatric and neurological problems living in the city rated #1 in leading medicine for both is a plus. However, because we are, people come from all over the WORLD to be treated there and getting INTO those hospitals is hard unless you are put there by a doctor. So what my doctor here is trying to do is take me from this small hospital to a larger facility where they specialize in the issues I'm having. Cross your fingers for me!!!


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leet19 7 years ago
Babe that sounds huge!! I hope your doctor can get ya in!!
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