im in constant competition

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with myself lmaO

today i had to be the social person that i totally for sure 100% withOUt a doubt 

am not- bc we had the human rights conference in my school /which in salty over bc my teacher didn't let me volunteer anD i need more houRS to graduate oops/ and i was like so dead bc i didnt get to sleep in as i usually would

and in the workshop i was in (challenging history and uncensored canadian history--- chilling right there) i died almost 6 times bc of hoW tired i was

it was super duper interesting and i was like o boy our history major bootyhole smh but i coULDnT bc i wanted to sleep every 2.5 seconds

my mind was competing with my body and my body was competing with my mind

and i think im gonna just end up hibernating one of these fine days

i wish humans did the hibernation thingy

and i  w i s H i wasnt such a lil when it comes to people my age or younger smh

tbh im in a civil war with my body just waiting for a side to surrender sTAY TUNEd

JKjKJkjk hi my children i miss coming on more tbh people are so cool here i also miss joining new rps but oh well what's time

sWINGS ARMS I MISS YOu gUYs a l oT how are you all? q w q


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jaehyvnz 7 years ago
papa u need sleep
shinyechan 7 years ago
how cute-
but you need your sleepppppp
ew canadian history- jk jk but we did some pretty stupid things back then tbh- and we still continue to do so rip-
HoneyMocha 7 years ago
s crEams u need some sLeep
acuteassmess 7 years ago
you qt pie but you should be sleeping more whenever you're free hm ? sleeping is important love
jageun 7 years ago
"i wish humans did the hibernation thingy"

what a cutie tootie.
i miss you a lot too :^ )
gallagher 7 years ago
babe r U ok
kanashimi 7 years ago
hhhh i miss you
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